We said goodbye to our beloved dog, Bailey last night. It was difficult for us all, but especially hard on Austen. From the day we brought Bailey home, the two have been inseperable; they practically grew up together!
Bailey came into our lives because our other dog, Flo, was failing in health and we knew she didn't have much more time left on this earth. Sure enough, Flo died shortly after we adopted Bailey. Bailey was a young puppy and full of life and energy! She brought so much joy in our lives at a time when we were saddend by losing a faithful companion. Austen trained her, chased after her, and Bailey kept Austen on his toes for sure.
About 3 months ago, a stray dog ended up on our farm. We have tried for 3 months to find a home for Brown Dog (as we affectionately called her, for fear of getting too attached) because we didn't need two dogs, nor wanted two dogs!! This past week, quite suddenly, Bailey's health failed. We discovered she had a large cancerous tumor and given little hope of surviving due to her age. And so, the decision was made to let her go before she had to suffer from this horrible disease.
Soon after she was buried, Brown Dog came bounding up to me licking my hand. I suddenly saw her in a different light-a gift from God. How ironic that Bailey was there for us when we were grieving over Flo, and now Morgan (aka "brown dog") has been here as we mourn the death of Bailey. How amazing that God cares about supplying our needs, even when it comes to our pets...