Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Well, the Broadway program is over. And I happy to announce that all went well! I was so proud at how my drama class "stepped it up" this year. Allow me to explain:
I had great plans and visions of my drama class jumping out of the baptistry and dancing on the choir modesty rail; it was going to be so cool! Well, our pastor saw us practicing and told our Principal that we would not be able to do the number- this was on Tuesday afternoon and the show was on Thursday. The reasoning was partly safety, but mostly because it was the church auditorium. I was so devastated. The kids had been practicing for 2 months on this number, it was difficult to learn and choreograph. I was in a difficult position of telling the kids they couldn't do something when I myself didn't agree with the decision. I left for the afternoon to clear my head. . .and slowly the Lord began to speak to me.
I had to come to grips that God had placed me at CBA, and whether I agreed or not, I was to obey my authority. I had to realize the difficulties that come into my life are God testing me-will I have the right attitude, will I trust Him, etc. . . My kids were a little upset at the outcome, but I was able to share my heart with the kids and challenge them to do move on and trust God. I am amazed at the resilience of my kids. They grumbled a bit, but then we revamped the number. And, the new number was better than the old one. So, God is good. His ways are best. If we have the right attitude, if we trust Him, if we abandon our ways and do what God asks-He will give us something even better than we could have ever imagined!

I am so thankful that my husband and kids were able to attend along with my best friends Bobbi, Julie and Shelly. Usually my audiences consists of parents, grandparents and their guests, but I had my own people in the audience that night!!
I have posted some pictures of our dress rehearsal that day. . . enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Broadway or Hollywood?!

My drama class had their annual "Broadway Review" where we perform scenes and songs from Broadway shows. I will be posting more on this later. . . but, I brought home a little derby hat and mop that we used for "Step In Time" (a song and dance number from Mary Poppins). My boys are having so much fun with them!

Little Zach now gets the broom and hat and does his "step in time" routine on our fireplace all the while singing the showtune and snapping his fingers to the rythmn. He's definietely going to be Broadway bound.

Austen saw the hat as an opportunity to be "Durango," a cowboy character he has invented. He took the hat outside with his rifle and pretended to be shooting the big Indian, which happened to be me . . . you gotta love boys! Anyway, I'm thinking Austen is the next Clint Eastwood. . .

Whether Broadway or Hollywood, my boys are already stars in my eyes, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for them!!

Monday, March 5, 2007


I actually went to Wal-Mart yesterday and only spent $0.97!! Who goes to Wal-Mart and spends less than a dollar?! Okay, I must confess that I had forgotten my purse, and had to use the change in my pocket. Had I had my purse, I (more than likely) would have spent tons more! What is it about Wal-Mart that makes you put things in your cart that you don't need?! I don't care if I have a list or not, I undoubtedly, come home with more than I intended to buy! And I always find myself needing to go to Wal-Mart! I swear I am there every day of the week. Infact, there is this cutie, old lady who is the greeter in the mornings. . . she knows us and just waits for us to come-she loves the boys!
Anyway, mums the word- I would hate Mark knowing that I spent less than a dollar at Wal-Mart-he'd expect it be done all the time!!

Thursday, March 1, 2007


I thought I would post some pictues of my highschool students today. God has placed some great kids in my class this year, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.
The first picture is of my senior high drama class. We are working on our annual scenes from Broadway that we do with the music department. It is a lot of fun! This year we are doing scenes from Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Lion King, and My Fair Lady. We are doing tons of choreography and it will be interesting to see how the administration will feel about our class jumping out of the baptistry for our Step in Time scene. God has shown Himself mighty in this class. So much of what we are doing is new territory this year, but God has been good in allowing the kids to learn everything quickly, and in giving them the exctiement to try new things.

The second picture is of my senior high speech students. This class is so special to me. We have seen God do great and mighty things in our class. I have two boys from Tawain, and they got saved in our class this year. Through this event the class has grown so close to each other, and to God. This is the class where we share many personal prayer requests, and praise God together when they are answered. It has been neat to see the kids grow. This picture was taken on Spirit Day-Decade/Costume Day

The last picture is of my student teacher that I had last semester. Bobbi came at the beginning of the year and was with me for the whole semester. God was so gracious in bringing us together. We both went through some difficult trials this year. Together we saw God do an amazing work in our lives.