Thursday, March 1, 2007


I thought I would post some pictues of my highschool students today. God has placed some great kids in my class this year, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.
The first picture is of my senior high drama class. We are working on our annual scenes from Broadway that we do with the music department. It is a lot of fun! This year we are doing scenes from Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Lion King, and My Fair Lady. We are doing tons of choreography and it will be interesting to see how the administration will feel about our class jumping out of the baptistry for our Step in Time scene. God has shown Himself mighty in this class. So much of what we are doing is new territory this year, but God has been good in allowing the kids to learn everything quickly, and in giving them the exctiement to try new things.

The second picture is of my senior high speech students. This class is so special to me. We have seen God do great and mighty things in our class. I have two boys from Tawain, and they got saved in our class this year. Through this event the class has grown so close to each other, and to God. This is the class where we share many personal prayer requests, and praise God together when they are answered. It has been neat to see the kids grow. This picture was taken on Spirit Day-Decade/Costume Day

The last picture is of my student teacher that I had last semester. Bobbi came at the beginning of the year and was with me for the whole semester. God was so gracious in bringing us together. We both went through some difficult trials this year. Together we saw God do an amazing work in our lives.


Bobbi said...

Oh my word!!! I miss you guys sooo sooo very much~! It was sooo good to see the pictures online, oh dear heavens! I made all the people in the admissions office look at the kids :)

Jenny said...

I had to give a hearty chortle to the image of Bert & friends jumping out of the baptistry.

I also was going through pics a couple weeks ago and was amazed at how many I had from CBA. You must have given me some, 'cause I don't remember taking that many.

tell me you're not busy with the Easter thing...speech and drama would keep you plenty busy (and I'd love to teach someday again!) I taught for a couple years - elementary music and jr high speech - still my fave age! We teach jr high sunday school; this year our first class is now 11th grade. It sure would be fun to see my cutie little 7th grade speech kiddos all grown up.

oh and ps my email address is twomuthsatgmaildotcom

Gretchen said...

You pretty much have the funnest job of all time! I LOVE Mary Poppins! "the Step in Time" scene? I am eternally jealous! (except I'd want to be the one leaping from the baptistry, I suppose)