Monday, March 5, 2007


I actually went to Wal-Mart yesterday and only spent $0.97!! Who goes to Wal-Mart and spends less than a dollar?! Okay, I must confess that I had forgotten my purse, and had to use the change in my pocket. Had I had my purse, I (more than likely) would have spent tons more! What is it about Wal-Mart that makes you put things in your cart that you don't need?! I don't care if I have a list or not, I undoubtedly, come home with more than I intended to buy! And I always find myself needing to go to Wal-Mart! I swear I am there every day of the week. Infact, there is this cutie, old lady who is the greeter in the mornings. . . she knows us and just waits for us to come-she loves the boys!
Anyway, mums the word- I would hate Mark knowing that I spent less than a dollar at Wal-Mart-he'd expect it be done all the time!!


Gretchen said...

Hee hee hee! That is exactly WHY I never go there. I really can't stand it!

However, I don't think I've ever spent less than $30 at Target. Not getting a cart doesn't stop me a bit. I totally know what you mean about the list. Sometimes I rationalize and decide NOT to get something on the list, but instead something I found while I was there! This is why I just try not to go if at all possible. A weekly trip has to be the max.

Not sure I could do that with kids, but it works okay for me! :)

Dora said...

I hear ya! I LOVE Walmart and Target.. my favorite though, is walgreens, I think the convenience and all the doodads get me everytime! I am a sucker for those stores.. sorry I haven't called, been a busy last couple of days, the hubby hurt his leg and we went to the er and all kinds of drama...
talk to you later, dora

girlie girl said...

Shhhhhhh! Let's not tell David about this. He already goes into cardiac arrest when he see the total! I go there because they're suppost to be cheaper.

I am curious how often others go grocery shopping, and what they spend. We can't seem to keep our spending down. I'm starting to think that what I'm spending is normal....just can't convience Hubs of that! :)

hartgirlies said...

What in the world did you buy? I am sure that you told me, but I can't remember for the life of me. Kudos to you, though. Can't remember the last time I spent less than $60 there. I think they play subliminal messages in their elevator music.

One way I have found not to spend so much, is to take my 4 children along with 4 babysitting kids under the age of 3. That will get you out in a hurry. It is really quite hilarious. I look like Mother Goose!

hartgirlies said...

By the way, I noticed that there are no pictures of your BEST FRIEND on this blog! Don't you think that others would benefit from seeing my beauty? I did notice there is a picture of Bobbi! I see where I stand! (and don't think of putting a bad high school pic on here either)