Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Hiding Place

This past weekend I read the book by Corrie ten Boom entitled, The Hiding Place. It is the story a family who hides Jews during the World War and end up being caught and taken to several concentration camps. The story follows the two sisters, Corrie and Betsie. Let me just say that seldom do I read a book from cover to cover in one setting. Time (or should I say my boys) usually doesn't allow me to do so. But, I found myself restless early one morning, which led me to the bookshelf. . . I literally couldn't put it down! I learned several things from this book that had a definite impact on me.
First, how amazed I was that Corrie and her sister Betsie were able to praise God during the most difficult of circumstances. How often do I praise God for the difficult times that happen in my life. There are times I get so wrapped up in my circumstances that I find it too hard to pray to God let alone praise Him! Too often I look at the negative side of my troubles allowing myself to get down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself. When in reality, God places those things in our life so we can get a better glimspe of Him. It is during those times of difficulty that I need to praise God for what He will do in my life and praise Him for the opportunity to get closer to Him.
Second, Corrie and Betsie were so hungry for the Word of God that they were willing to risk their life to have the Gospel with them in the prison camps. How hungry am I for God's Word? How often do I take my Bible for granted? Sad to say, there are times when I can easily forgo my devotions becuase the morning was too hectic and I didn't have time to squeeze them in. These dear ladies read and reread their little New Testament-it was the one thing that sustained them through the year in the concentration camp. What a challenge to me! May I never take God's Word for granted and may I hid His Word in my heart!
Third, after Corrie was released from the prison she traveled the world spreading the message of hope and forgiveness. She ended up forgiving those that treated her wrongfully in prison, and shared the Gospel with the German people. I think I would have been bitter and angry the rest of my days. How easy it is for me to hold a grudge. How many times am I willing to forgive those people who wrong me? I am challenged to always show God's love to those around me, even when I have been mistreated.
There is so much I could share, but I will leave you with these. My favortie quote from the book was this: There is no pit too deep where He is not deeper still. I have always loved this quote, but it meant so much more to me after reading the book. In the midst of my difficulties, God is always with me. No matter how deep I think the pit is, God is deeper still.


Donette said...

I loved "The Hiding Place!" Granted, it has been years since I read it, and since I have a stack of books about 12 stories high on my bedside table, I doubt I will reread it anytime soon, but I remember loving it!

I have found that great biographies are worth their weight in gold. I love reading about missionaries and heroes of the faith. Their stories remind me not to take for granted the freedom we have and how that freedom can also lead us to be lazy Christians! If you have a chance to read again any time soon, (I SO understand the lack of time!) try reading Noelle Piper's book, "Faithful Women and their Extrordinary God." There are like 5 short biographies of missionaries and Sarah Edwards. Definately challenging and utterly enjoyable, too!

Dora said...

good post, loved the book too...
long time no blogg! miss ya tons!

amy said...

I will take your suggestion. I am finishing up the book about Jim Elliot, "Though Gates of Splendor." Wow! I pray that I would have the same love for others without being judgmental, and that I would always be hungry to share God's Word!
Dora, we need to talk to each other! I have found some old cards, and letters I got from you while at college and I found a plethara of picures. . .we sure did have some fun, didn't we. I miss you too. Let's arrange a time to talk on the phone and catch up!!!

Summer said...

I also loved that book! I read it so long ago...I think it was highschool or college. I remember loving it.

girlie girl said...

That is a great book. Have you seen the movie? It's older, maybe done in the early 80's. I used a portion of the book for my Sophomore Speech Platform in college. I've always thought it would make a great drama, maybe a Reader's Theater. I think it's important for our generation to not forget that it wasn't always so easy for Christions to live out their faith. Good thoughts!1

Dora said...

okay amy.. e-mail me your phone number...

Jenny said...

Don't even ask me how I found your blog, because I have no idea. But am I ever glad I did!! I always think of you at this time of year. And now I've found you! *sigh of happiness* so how are things in Normal? BTW I loved the tampon story.

Lauren said...

Hi Amy! It's Lauren from NYC.

You reminded me of when I read that book as a new Christian and was home for the summer with my unbelieving family and felt like I was alone and in a place that was hostile to God. How much my eyes were opened through reading that book and all that Corrie and her sister endured while clinging so tightly to Christ.

I am also reading "Through the Gates of Splendor" and loving it. In fact I am just about to curl up on the couch and read a few chapters. I am enjoying your blog. :)

Gretchen said...

I read this last summer, which kicked me off into an absolute adoration of Corrie Ten Boom's books! I read 4 of them, I think, by the pool, eating them up like they were an icy. (In retrospect, that was pretty much some of the most fun I've ever had in my life!). "Tramp for the Lord" was OUTSTANDING! It really broadened my view of prayer, and stretched my faith!

Hey, I have a play based on the Hiding Place that I bought for our Youth Group to do last fall, but then I didn't use it because there were too many kids who wanted to be in it. But it is REALLY good, and the guy who wrote it really based it on the book. I bought it from "Scripts by Warren" whom I found on line. He writes lots of biographical scripts after researching their lives online.

I've used up my time! It was good to check in with you!