Tuesday, June 5, 2007

School's Out

I always have good intentions of keeping my blog current. . . I will strive to do better!

School is out for the summer, and I am currently working at Kidz Central. We do crafts, games, field trips, etc. . . It is so much fun working with the different children and with the great staff members!! I also get to bring my kids with me, which they love! Austen loves playing with his little friends, and Zachary loves playing with all the Barbie dolls( I'm afraid he is still in the doll phase)

It has been a challenge going from highschool age to elementary age. You tend to have to be a little more detailed in your instructions. . .but it is a great deal of fun, and allows for good stories-stay tuned. . .


hartgirlies said...

Oh, Amy. How dare you get me hooked on blogging and then not keep up on your own!

Unknown said...

Guess who!? I see you are bringing people into your blogging world!

Anonymous said...

i just saw you at the grocery store last night and told you that i've posted on here so you better get on here soon and write a blog. :) lol. BTW - Sarah and i got all of the programs made, hole punched, ribboned, tied, and trimmed last night!! I feel so productive and helpful... of course, there was no going to the gym today since i was up so late last night... maybe i'll get a good walk in later tonight. :)

love you!!

girlie girl said...

unrelated: I have an Acting text book from college you're welcome to have. I didn't know if your students ever use stuff like that as reference. I'm getting ready for a sale, so if you don't want it, I'll toss it in with the large pile of books I don't read! :)