Friday, July 20, 2012

Here's the thing...

     I have a great knack for getting myself into situations.  It stems from those darned expectations, but also from my need to please and make people happy!
    So, here's the thing.  I am running in a 5K this weekend.  Not a big deal.  I 've done many of them.  But, here's the other thing....I haven't been running.  I have goals, I make plans, and then-I don't follow through.  So, I find myself a tad bit out of shape and just a tad overweight-and I'm also in HUGE denial!!
    I get a phonecall from a dear and cherished friend saying she wants to run a 5K, because (now get this) I inspired her to start running this year.  Me??  I will admit, I did run a lot last year, and I was so shocked and awed that I was able to run because I always hated running and never thought I could do it.  But, sweet friend, I am no picture of inspiration these days!  I could be IN a picture...maybe the before pictures of Weight Watchers?  Maybe in an advertisement for some all-you-can-eat buffet! 
   So, long story short, I'm heading to Springfield to run in the United We Run 5K, and I am just hoping I can cross the finish line with some semblance of my dignity still intact. 
    I guess having a bear chase me would get me motivated!!  Then, again, I would probably just hit the ground paralyzed out of fear of becoming dinner!  I already know I wouldn't be able to outrun him!  
    The goal is to run this thing in 35 minutes or less.  Maybe I should set the goal at just being able to finish, then anything more would just be like icing on the cake.  And see?  NOW I'm hungry for cake!!!  I am pathetic!! 
   Anyway, not ALL of my situations turn out bad.  Occasionally, I do have a good experience and I guess that's what keeps me getting in situations.  Hopefully this one will be the same way.  If anything, I get to spend time with my dear friend and maybe, "celebrate" with CAKE!!! 
Apparently I'm running from the bear and on my way to get some cake!

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