I had great plans and visions of my drama class jumping out of the baptistry and dancing on the choir modesty rail; it was going to be so cool! Well, our pastor saw us practicing and told our Principal that we would not be able to do the number- this was on Tuesday afternoon and the show was on Thursday. The reasoning was partly safety, but mostly because it was the church auditorium. I was so devastated. The kids had been practicing for 2 months on this number, it was difficult to learn and choreograph. I was in a difficult position of telling the kids they couldn't do something when I myself didn't agree with the decision. I left for the afternoon to clear my head. . .and slowly the Lord began to speak to me.
I had to come to grips that God had placed me at CBA, and whether I agreed or not, I was to obey my authority. I had to realize the difficulties that come into my life are God testing me-will I have the right attitude, will I trust Him, etc. . . My kids were a little upset at the outcome, but I was able to share my heart with the kids and challenge them to do move on and trust God. I am amazed at the resilience of my kids. They grumbled a bit, but then we revamped the number. And, the new number was better than the old one. So, God is good. His ways are best. If we have the right attitude, if we trust Him, if we abandon our ways and do what God asks-He will give us something even better than we could have ever imagined!
I am so thankful that my husband and kids were able to attend along with my best friends Bobbi, Julie and Shelly. Usually my audiences consists of parents, grandparents and their guests, but I had my own people in the audience that night!!
I have posted some pictures of our dress rehearsal that day. . . enjoy!