So, I have decided that my kids do not eat enough fruit, so my solution was to pack my two boys with an apple every day for lunch. I was so proud of myself when I cored each apple and gingerly placed them into each boys Glad Ziplock baggie-I made sure to squeeze lemon over the apples to insure they would not be brown when they went to eat their apples.
Monday, I glanced over and saw Austen chomping away thoroughly enjoying his snack of delicious apples. On Tuesday, I saw Zach throw away his empty lunch sack. . . I was so excited that he was finally eating heathly. On Wednesday, I didn't bother paying attention to what the boys were eating because I knew for sure they were eating and enjoying the tasty delicacy their mother had packed for them. I could hear their little voices begging for more apples over the weekend, wanting to replace their sugary snacks with more fruit!! My heart skipped a beat.
So, imagine my utter suprise when I saw Zach in the kitchen at school with Miss "Morefross" crying his little heart out. I was sure he was sad because he had run out of apples and wanted more! That's what my mind was telling me, but my ears were hearing another story. . .
Apparently Zach was scared after he had opened his locker; something had invaded his locker and was flying in the hallway. You see, little Zach had NOT been eating his apples, he had been "saving them for later." Little flies had been feasting on his delicious and healthy snacks and now were out searching (I am sure) for more delicious and healthy snacks.
Needless to say, Zach doesn't get apples for lunch anymore. . .
Friday, July 27, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Family Reunion
I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed this year's Langrebe Family Reunion!! We had great food, incredible games, and fun fellowship.
It is a tradition to have our family reunion during the 4th of July holiday weekend. My mom has 10 other siblings( 5 sisters/5 brothers), 9 of which are still living. All the sisters and brothers and their families get together to eat and play Landgrebe Olympics! My cousin Sharon comes up with the games and they are a hoot! The winning family gets a real trophy and the title of CHAMPIONS for the year! It is great fun. My cousin Sharon usually heads up the games, but was sick that day (we missed her terribly!). . . so, the younger generation(Nicki, Willie, myself) and my cousin Julie(sorry Julie!) headed up the festivities! All who know me know that I am not shy when it comes to talking into a microphone and telling people what to do, so I was in my element for sure!! We played crazy games and had lots of fun!
My family were not the winners this year, and might I add, we have never been the winning family. I'm not going to say who the weak link is, but it rhymes with "Party." I guess I should give her credit for at least participating, but I really want that trophy!!! My Aunt Marie and her family won this year, and they deserve the Champion title since they only had 4 family members present. . . but watch out, Aunt Marie! The Moit/Manahans are coming after you next year!!
After the Olympics, we play Bingo, which is equally competitive. . . everyone wants to win a candle or cookbook. I believe my cousin Tina set the record for having the most Bingo cards at one sitting; she says she was playing for her mom, but that's debatable!-of course, she won!
Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures from this reunion.

***On a side note, everyone needs to check out my good friend Jacque's NEW blog. I love welcoming new members into the blogging world!!! Don't leave without making a comment on her blog; she'll love it!
It is a tradition to have our family reunion during the 4th of July holiday weekend. My mom has 10 other siblings( 5 sisters/5 brothers), 9 of which are still living. All the sisters and brothers and their families get together to eat and play Landgrebe Olympics! My cousin Sharon comes up with the games and they are a hoot! The winning family gets a real trophy and the title of CHAMPIONS for the year! It is great fun. My cousin Sharon usually heads up the games, but was sick that day (we missed her terribly!). . . so, the younger generation(Nicki, Willie, myself) and my cousin Julie(sorry Julie!) headed up the festivities! All who know me know that I am not shy when it comes to talking into a microphone and telling people what to do, so I was in my element for sure!! We played crazy games and had lots of fun!
My family were not the winners this year, and might I add, we have never been the winning family. I'm not going to say who the weak link is, but it rhymes with "Party." I guess I should give her credit for at least participating, but I really want that trophy!!! My Aunt Marie and her family won this year, and they deserve the Champion title since they only had 4 family members present. . . but watch out, Aunt Marie! The Moit/Manahans are coming after you next year!!
After the Olympics, we play Bingo, which is equally competitive. . . everyone wants to win a candle or cookbook. I believe my cousin Tina set the record for having the most Bingo cards at one sitting; she says she was playing for her mom, but that's debatable!-of course, she won!
Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures from this reunion.
***On a side note, everyone needs to check out my good friend Jacque's NEW blog. I love welcoming new members into the blogging world!!! Don't leave without making a comment on her blog; she'll love it!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Fourth of July
I have always enjoyed the Fourth of July; it being one of my favorite holidays. This year we had a great time with my friend Nicki at her family/friend party. We had great food, great entertainment and great games- the Manahan family dominated Bochi Ball-is that how you spell it?!!
After the party, we headed home for a little nap before heading out to watch the fireworks. Fireworks this year were awesome!! I am always awed and amazed by the fireworks spectacular. This year we watched at a little park near Miller Park. Poor Zach had his fingers in his ear the whole time, but the rest of us had fun!
As always we take a family picture, which is a tradition. But, the catch is we try to take it ourselves. So, here we are, in the dark, and squished together, while I have my arm stcking out trying to get us all in the shot. Although we have yet to get it right, it is alot of fun looking through the viewfinder to see "who got cut off this time." This year, a super nice lady came to my rescue and took the family picture for us. It is the best picture to date because you can actually see us-all of us.
*notice how I always get myself in the picture. . . hmmm)
Monday, July 2, 2007
This and That
This post is dedicated to Mamie, who I am pretty sure is my only faithful reader left since I don't update my blog nearly enough! So, Mamie. . . enjoy!

I would be the one in the big, black, "mom" suit! Which on a side note. . .
I sort of feel like there is not a whole lot to post. I am working at Kidz Central 5 days a week and my life pretty much consists of breaking up little girl fights (a new experience), preparing snacks, heading up games, and making crafts. Yep, I've resorted to craft making, which I am no Martha Stewart. I either get obsessive compulsive with my own craft or obsessive compulsive with the kids crafts. Either way, I am not a crafter!! But I am learning a lot about dealing with little children. I wouldn't categorize myself as a "love to watch other people's children" sort of gal (just ask Shelly), but I find this job rather enjoyable and I never dread going to work each day. It is very challenging-in a good way! Every day is different and I love the kids to death!! Plus, I get to be with my own kids and see how they interact with the other kids.
Of course, I am learning a whole new vocabulary that I would never use with my high school students! Infact, I don't really use it with my own kids. Here's just a few expressions that I find myself using quite frequently: "We don't bonk people on the head. Let's use our walking feet! Stop, look and listen! All right, we're having a sniff test to see if you used soap when you washed your hands!" Yeah, I'm a changed woman. I also work with great people! We have so much fun with together!
I would be the one in the big, black, "mom" suit! Which on a side note. . .
Where are all the cutey and hip suits for moms?! Especially moms who might be a tad busty? I mean, once I resolved not to look like an 85 year old grandma and refused to buy a suit with flowers and gold trim-I was left with that little number. I don't think the "little black dress" mentality applies to the bathing suit! Yikes!!
Anyway, Mark and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. Hard to believe he has stayed with me for so long, huh?! We decided that we would celebrate with a nice romantic night out. . . with the boys! Yep, the boys tagged along. . . real romantic. We ate out at a Japanese restaurant where they cook your food at your table. Then we went to Grady's Family Fun Center where we drove go-carts and bumper boats. After that, we ended the evening with ice cream. I wouldn't have imagined celebrating such a momentous occasion with the boys, but we had fun night. Austen commented that this was the "best day ever!" He seemed to think that every day should be anniversary! I agree, if it means Mark buying me presents every day!!
This is what Mark and I have become after 10 years of marriage-not bad, eh?!
I should also mention that I have FACEBOOK now. Yeah, like I need more to do on the computer! I can barely manage this blog, what makes me think I can manage a FACEBOOK?! But, the difference is that I have a manager. Alyssa is my FACEBOOK manager- posting and commenting on my pictures, editing, adding new friends. I wish I could have other managers managing all my other duties in life-wouldn't that be great?!
All right, so now you are updated. I hope to post tomorrow or Wednesday. . . perhaps I need to look into getting a blog manager!
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