It is a tradition to have our family reunion during the 4th of July holiday weekend. My mom has 10 other siblings( 5 sisters/5 brothers), 9 of which are still living. All the sisters and brothers and their families get together to eat and play Landgrebe Olympics! My cousin Sharon comes up with the games and they are a hoot! The winning family gets a real trophy and the title of CHAMPIONS for the year! It is great fun. My cousin Sharon usually heads up the games, but was sick that day (we missed her terribly!). . . so, the younger generation(Nicki, Willie, myself) and my cousin Julie(sorry Julie!) headed up the festivities! All who know me know that I am not shy when it comes to talking into a microphone and telling people what to do, so I was in my element for sure!! We played crazy games and had lots of fun!
My family were not the winners this year, and might I add, we have never been the winning family. I'm not going to say who the weak link is, but it rhymes with "Party." I guess I should give her credit for at least participating, but I really want that trophy!!! My Aunt Marie and her family won this year, and they deserve the Champion title since they only had 4 family members present. . . but watch out, Aunt Marie! The Moit/Manahans are coming after you next year!!
After the Olympics, we play Bingo, which is equally competitive. . . everyone wants to win a candle or cookbook. I believe my cousin Tina set the record for having the most Bingo cards at one sitting; she says she was playing for her mom, but that's debatable!-of course, she won!
Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures from this reunion.
***On a side note, everyone needs to check out my good friend Jacque's NEW blog. I love welcoming new members into the blogging world!!! Don't leave without making a comment on her blog; she'll love it!
Are there pictures from the reunion and I'm just missing them? And it's so cool that you had a good time... isn't it neat when the Lord works things out like that?!
btw, thanks for the link to Jacque's blog! Way cool! Looks like everyone's going to get a blog next, huh?
I didn't realize that I actually posted tis last night. So, here are the pictures. . .Enjoy!!
Ah, that's much better! Thanks!
Hey, cuz, can you post the pics to the family website as well? love the pic with you and Nikki!
I just found your blog as a link from Shelly's site! Where have I been all these months - in fact I'm so out of the loop I need to get my own blog up and running.
So much is going on in each others lives and while we can't get together as often as we'd like blogging is a great way to keep in touch. Although I still want to get together sometime before the summer is over!
Love your pictures and the stories you tell!
Take care,
Nicely written friend. :) BTW - i just wanted to let you know that you're a blessing to me. Hugs'n'love, but no make-out sessions, B
could i love the picture or marty and monty anymore?!!!! i love those guys, tell them that I said hi and that I love them tons.
have a great weekend, miss ya so much!
(I'm getting ferklempt over here!)
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