Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Why I Don't Like Doctors

So, Austen has been sick for the past 6 days with a fever and cough. Most everyone that I talked to said, "Oh, you should take him to the doctor. This stuff is really going around-he might have strep." I hesitated because whenever I take my kids to the doctor-it always comes back, "Uh, he seems fine to me. It's just gas." Or, "It's just a cough, he'll be fine in a few days." I never get any kind of medicine because its always viral. Knowing this, I waited for a few more days, despite everyone giving me their diagnosis and suggestions. But when Austen woke up for the 5th day with a fever I started thinking about what everyone had been saying. My problem is that it doesn't stop there, no, it multiplies. By the time I decided to take him in, Austen was (in my mind) dying of tuberculosis or malaria. I just knew that I was going to get a huge prescription for medicine or they'll would have to admit him to the hospital.
So, I'm sitting in the waiting room comparing everyone else's sickness with Austen's sickness, and I am positive that Austen is way sicker than they are...
The doctor sees Austen, checks his vitals, etc. The prognosis? A VIRUS! Seriously, this is why I don't like to go to the doctor. He could have had a 106 degree temp, puking, passing out, and a horrible a rash over his whole body, and it would be a virus. I was so mad, I felt like saying, "Can you give me a sample of some medicine? I don't care if it's Tylenol or birth control-I just don't want to walk out of this office empty handed!"
Long story short, by that night, Austen's fever had broke and he was feeling better by the next morning! I know I should be grateful it wasn't something serious, but it just bugs me because I never know when I need to take him to the doctor! If I don't take him, it's something serious. If I do, it's never anything big.
Hopefully, this will be the last of the sickness until next year because I can't ahndle the strees of making that crucial decision!


Unknown said...

So I'm behind on reading your blog... BUT I do agree with you! I struggle everytime with taking the kids to the dr. Half the time it's because I'm listening to Dr. Lady in the grocery aisle or Dr. Your kid sounds terrible, only to find out it's called rest and liquids.. All though the last time, I did take them to have them all with ear infections! I think this is how we win mother of the year awards sometimes :)

Brenda Fuss said...

You could just ask one of your Nurse Practitioner friends to take a look at him, you know??? *wink, wink*