Sunday, September 18, 2011


We have a Nobody who lives in our house. Nobody forgets to put his toys away, leaves clothes on the floor, and doesn't put his dishes in the dishwasher. Somebody really should take care of Nobody!!

I've been hearing a lot about Nobody.

I went to a Beth Moore Simulcast and found out the writer of Acts and Luke was pretty much a Nobody. A Nobody who was willing to walk alongside Paul and record the incredible accounts of the early church. This Nobody gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit working through another bunch of Nobodies. The apostles didn't necessarily have any formal religious training, but they were passionate about Jesus and wanted others to know Him. Nobody made them go out and reach the world, they wanted to. They saw the need to reach the Gentiles, and so they did. Nobody gave them a list of dos and don'ts, they just followed the Holy Spirit. God used these Nobodies to start a revolution and millions of people are believers because of them.

Our church is going through Max Lucado's book entitled, Outlive Your Life. Tammy, an ordinary school teacher in the U.S, took a mission's trip to Africa. There she saw a need...African school teachers needed new resources to enable them to teach their classes and students more effectively. She wasn't Anybody, she was just a Nobody. She began a website, and now these African teachers can look online and receive the needed tools to give their students a better education. Nobody forced Tammy give of herself or her resources. Nobody could have just gone on the trip and came back more thankful for the resources given to her in the States. But Tammy followed the Holy Spirit, and though she feels like a Nobody, decided to be a Somebody and do something more. Tammy doesn't know why she was called to help African teachers, but she knows God has big plans and so she "just goes with it!"

Nobody can wreck havoc in my house, but does it always have to be that way? What if Nobody could shed his skin and become Some body? Not a high fluent Somebody, but Some body. And what if Some body decided to look beyond himself and just go with it? What if Some body could walk alongside with another Some body and follow the Holy Spirit wherever He led? What would the world look like? What if these "Nobodies" disguised as Some bodies did wreck havoc on this world...only the "havoc" would be a revolution? A revolution to change the world through helping, caring, listening, encouraging, and sharing.

I am inspired...I don't know what it is God is doing with this Nobody...but I long to be a willing Some body. And I don't think I have to wait for some huge marquee or booming voice from Heaven to show me what to do. I just need to follow the Holy Spirit and go with it. It doesn't have to be a big cause or enormous just has to be the next right thing.

Well, Nobody cleaned up the I guess this Some body better get to it!

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