Friday, February 2, 2007


You know, I'm always trying to teach my kids the importance of SHARING. Whether it is a toy or a crumb of food-my boys get the "Sharing" lecture 24/7 and they know it by heart. Well, for the first time, my kids actually listened to me and took thier sharing to heart. They shared their cough, their runny nose, their flu, their fever, and even their bronchitis. . . Yes, the Manahan family(or should I say mommy and the boys) have had their share of sickness and we are ready for SUMMER!!!


Burman Batch said...

Amy, I am with you. Though summer is just around the corner for me. Southern Oregon normally has mild & short winters compared to the midwest. I hope you & the boys are feeling better soon.

Dora said...

That's cute.. I hope you guys feel better.. I know how sharing all the germs at the same time can be...

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, I received an email from you! Yes, it's me from Northland! oh my goodness! I think this is the Lord's work for sure! I've thought about you often, but wasn't sure what has taken place in your/my lives! My husband and I and our two girls (at the time) live in Urbana, IL for 9 mo! So close!! We had frequent trips to Normal, and I thought of you a lot then, but the visits were quick for my husbands work. Would love to know more how life has been for you since camp! My email is! Thanks for taking the "chance" so to speak and contacting me! I'm so excited! PS Have grown out the huge twins fan as I've learned there are more important things to be huge fans for!

girlie girl said...

Amen! I'd break out my shorts if it'd reach 50 degrees! We're sick too. Snot, caughing, other bodily fluids...not pretty! Yes, germs are the only thing Isaiah shares well!

Thanks for the comment! It's good to know I'm not the only one whose weight doesn't just wash away in the hospital shower after giving birth! I'm enjoying your blog!
