After the cowboy story, you are all going to wonder about my parenting skills. . .
So my son Zach, who is 3 is in love with Ariel! I thought it was a cute phase at first. I bought him the Little Mermaid movie, my mom bought him an Ariel doll, and my friend bought him a Little Mermaid stamper kit; we thought it would be a phase that he would grow out of-what's the harm, right? Well, what was once a cute phase, has turned into an ugly obsession!! The poor doll takes baths with Zach, gets her hair combed by Zach, is put into unnatural positions by Zach (this woman is quite flexible!) and gets her little fins taking off by Zach. Apparently, she will not be able to marry Prince Eric if she is a mermaid, so Zach wants her "nakey," so she can get married. It doesn't stop there. He knows the songs in the movie by heart, and when he sings "Part of Your World," I get the feeling he really does want to be part of Ariel's world. He constantly talks about Ariel and the Sea Witch, he re-inacts the movie, and he tries to dress up like Ariel. I'm thinking I am gonna need an INTERVENTION.
woah...Amy...uh...all I can say is...we're having a Biblical Counseling Conference at my church next week and YOU ARE invited :-)
Amy, my 3 year old loves the Little Mermaid, too. Granted, not to the extent of your story, but he told me that he dreams about her. And that from only occasionally seeing the Disney half-hour cartoon! Now I will know better than to encourage it with the real movie and toys!
See if steering him toward Nemo works! :)
HILARIOUS!!!! My Isaiah likes the mermaid too.. that's what he calls the show.. not ariel, the mermaid..I think he'll grow out of it.. It's cute, though.
We were at Maranatha at the same time (although I think I was a dorm sup when you were a student)
I found you through G-knee's blog.
Your posts about your two boys crack me up!!! I have two boys as well. Elijah is four and Isaiah is 22 months. Don't they keep us hopping? Welcome to the blog circle. It is so much fun to read other mother's stories. I agree with your earlier post - it is great to feel connected to old friends (or even familiar faces.)
Stephanie (Reese) Tidwell
G-knee, I had no idea that it has reached the point that I need BIBLICAL counseling!!! Pray for me. :)
Donnette and Dora, how encouraging that your boys love the mermaid too! Yes, NEVER take their love of anything to the extreme. If my story has helped just two, than it has been worth it all!
Stephanie, it was nice to hear from you. I do remember you form MBBC, although I don't remember you being a dorm sup. I graduated in 98. Anyway, I have stoppped by your blog-you have such a love for your boys; it's nice to see your enthusiasm about them!
Amy - it's pretty amazing how much kids pick up even when they're little. My niece (who is also 3) informed me at Thanksgiving that The Little Mermaid is her FAVORITE movie (add in serious DRAMATIC impact here). As she runs her hand down the side of her head to straighten her hair, she says, "I just LOVE that movie. I LOVE the kissin' part... it's my FAVORITE!" (Some dad better keep an eye on that one!) :-) Kids are so funny!
Wow, Mrs. Manahan! This sure is the best blog ever! (Wink wink.) I can only aspire to having children as creative as yours.
Kate Norcross
Wow, I feel like this is a "My son likes mermaids" support group! What an encouragement to know that Zachy isn't the only one! Now I don't feel so badly about giving him that stamper kit...
Anyways, love and miss you amy!!!
Hmmmmm. . . interesting.
My friend had a little boy who wanted long hair so much that he always wore a towel tied around his head, so it felt like he had hair on his shoulders.
But this is a rather particular obsession.
Maybe the doll wasn't the best idea. :)
I have no advice, but it may be fun material to plague him with in the future when he's dating! :)
Amy,what a small world. David found your blog through a friend of a friend. And I'm laughing out loud about Ariel. Isaiah doesn't know who Ariel is yet, but he does like to wear play jewlery! You'll have to save that picture for his graduation! My blog is
And nice template...youhave good taste!
Callie B.
I love the fact that so many people have commented about Zach's "little problem." Thank you for all the encouraging words and personal stories that make me believe Zach is not alone!
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