Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Me? A blog?!!!

Okay, so I lied! I was NEVER going to be a blogger. But, thanks, to a girl named Bobbi-I now have a blog. . .


Bobbi said...

Oh my word! This is the coolest blog ever! I am sooo glad you finally decided to join the blogging world :) I love you with all my heart~!

Marti said...

Amy, Amy, Amy!!!! I'm so glad to see you have a blog. I was thinking about you the other day (I do that once in a while--I mean, think about YOU, not just think), so it's great to find out how you're doing. Come visit my blog!! I'll be back.


mom2mine said...

OH My! I was so glad Gknee mentioned you on the roll call. I was actually just thinking about you after reading through old year books. I hope you are well! I can't wait to catch up on your life!