Well, I am happy to say I or should I say we...dominated the race! We even got medals...never mind the fact that EVERYONE got medals~not the point!
Anyway, we set a goal, and beat that goal by 2 minutes! Had to walk 2 times, but still was able to cross the finish with diginity and best of all alongside Bobbi Jean! She did great and finished the race without walking---so proud of her!!!
Ultimately, I had a GREAT weekend and had a great time catching up. And you know, it didn't matter that I wasn't in shape, I was able to help a dear friend accomplish a goal and that felt GREAT. It wasn't about me, it was about her!!
Our next adventure will be in June as we attempt the Warrior Dash-an army based obstacle course including a 5K...what was I thinking???!!!!
actin up
a blog about life's little dramas
Monday, July 23, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Here's the thing...
I have a great knack for getting myself into situations. It stems from those darned expectations, but also from my need to please and make people happy!
So, here's the thing. I am running in a 5K this weekend. Not a big deal. I 've done many of them. But, here's the other thing....I haven't been running. I have goals, I make plans, and then-I don't follow through. So, I find myself a tad bit out of shape and just a tad overweight-and I'm also in HUGE denial!!
I get a phonecall from a dear and cherished friend saying she wants to run a 5K, because (now get this) I inspired her to start running this year. Me?? I will admit, I did run a lot last year, and I was so shocked and awed that I was able to run because I always hated running and never thought I could do it. But, sweet friend, I am no picture of inspiration these days! I could be IN a picture...maybe the before pictures of Weight Watchers? Maybe in an advertisement for some all-you-can-eat buffet!
So, long story short, I'm heading to Springfield to run in the United We Run 5K, and I am just hoping I can cross the finish line with some semblance of my dignity still intact.
I guess having a bear chase me would get me motivated!! Then, again, I would probably just hit the ground paralyzed out of fear of becoming dinner! I already know I wouldn't be able to outrun him!
The goal is to run this thing in 35 minutes or less. Maybe I should set the goal at just being able to finish, then anything more would just be like icing on the cake. And see? NOW I'm hungry for cake!!! I am pathetic!!
Anyway, not ALL of my situations turn out bad. Occasionally, I do have a good experience and I guess that's what keeps me getting in situations. Hopefully this one will be the same way. If anything, I get to spend time with my dear friend and maybe, "celebrate" with CAKE!!!
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Apparently I'm running from the bear and on my way to get some cake! |
Thursday, July 19, 2012
I love "Aha" moments.
Had one just this morning... I tend to be a worryer. I worry about how much I am worrying. It's sick, I know! I also tend to place unrealsitic expectations on myself. I must be a perfect wife and mother in all I do. My house must be spotless. I must be funny and witty at all times. I must wear fashionable clothes. I must have great looking furniture. I must run everyday. I must lose weight. The list goes on. If these are not attained, then I am a failure! I not only place these expectations on myself, but I place them on others as well. I don't have high expections on people, but I think they have high expectations of me. Even sicker, I know!! So, not only do I think I have to act a certain way, I think that you think that I should act that way too!
The dilelma?? I worry about measuring up against MY expectations and also YOURS! And let's face it...NO ONE is that good! Although, I would go down trying!
So, I read in Philippians 4:6, "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns." God knows my worries, but He likes to hear those worries spoken by me...and when I do speak aloud of these worries, "a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down." I like that...settle me down. I need that! Stop worrying about measuring up, stop trying to do it all on your own! Let God help you! So that was good to read and be to reminded of.
But, as I continued to read on...I noted Philippians 4:12-13. "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Okay, so I may not have everything that I want in life...can or will I be content with what I do have? When I place my worries into prayers, he helps me see that I reaaly don't have that much to worry about-He's gonna take care of me and settle me down. And just maybe, the things that I am worrying about aren't really worth worrying about anyway.
And then, of course, I read on...and here is where I get my "AHA" moment... Philippians 4 :19 "You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need." Ah, so when I take my worries to God, I realize that I may not have everything that I want, but God WILL take care of my NEEDS! Look around, you have A LOT already-sure, there are things I want...but God is taking care of my needs, and the wants will just be bonuses (if and when they come).
The high expectations that I place on myself and think everyone else has placed on me, as well...are ridiculous-it's time I let them go and give them to God. If I allow Him to adjust my eyesight, I will learn to be content in whatever condition I am in. He promises to give me that strength to be content. Then, when I am fixated on God, I will see that He is giving me exactly what I need!! I don't think this will be an easy process. I think it will be something that I will have to give over to Him constantly. It is a process, afterall, I am still human-not perfect, yet! But, I believe if I am willing to die to myself, die to my expectations, die to my wants-God will show me what I need, and I will want accept it. Again, not easy, but that's where Christ comes in as my powerhouse! Ultimately, I want to be closer to HIM...if it requires giving up ME then, give me the strength to that, Lord!!
Had one just this morning... I tend to be a worryer. I worry about how much I am worrying. It's sick, I know! I also tend to place unrealsitic expectations on myself. I must be a perfect wife and mother in all I do. My house must be spotless. I must be funny and witty at all times. I must wear fashionable clothes. I must have great looking furniture. I must run everyday. I must lose weight. The list goes on. If these are not attained, then I am a failure! I not only place these expectations on myself, but I place them on others as well. I don't have high expections on people, but I think they have high expectations of me. Even sicker, I know!! So, not only do I think I have to act a certain way, I think that you think that I should act that way too!
The dilelma?? I worry about measuring up against MY expectations and also YOURS! And let's face it...NO ONE is that good! Although, I would go down trying!
So, I read in Philippians 4:6, "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns." God knows my worries, but He likes to hear those worries spoken by me...and when I do speak aloud of these worries, "a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down." I like that...settle me down. I need that! Stop worrying about measuring up, stop trying to do it all on your own! Let God help you! So that was good to read and be to reminded of.
But, as I continued to read on...I noted Philippians 4:12-13. "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength." Okay, so I may not have everything that I want in life...can or will I be content with what I do have? When I place my worries into prayers, he helps me see that I reaaly don't have that much to worry about-He's gonna take care of me and settle me down. And just maybe, the things that I am worrying about aren't really worth worrying about anyway.
And then, of course, I read on...and here is where I get my "AHA" moment... Philippians 4 :19 "You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need." Ah, so when I take my worries to God, I realize that I may not have everything that I want, but God WILL take care of my NEEDS! Look around, you have A LOT already-sure, there are things I want...but God is taking care of my needs, and the wants will just be bonuses (if and when they come).
The high expectations that I place on myself and think everyone else has placed on me, as well...are ridiculous-it's time I let them go and give them to God. If I allow Him to adjust my eyesight, I will learn to be content in whatever condition I am in. He promises to give me that strength to be content. Then, when I am fixated on God, I will see that He is giving me exactly what I need!! I don't think this will be an easy process. I think it will be something that I will have to give over to Him constantly. It is a process, afterall, I am still human-not perfect, yet! But, I believe if I am willing to die to myself, die to my expectations, die to my wants-God will show me what I need, and I will want accept it. Again, not easy, but that's where Christ comes in as my powerhouse! Ultimately, I want to be closer to HIM...if it requires giving up ME then, give me the strength to that, Lord!!
Sunday, September 18, 2011
We have a Nobody who lives in our house. Nobody forgets to put his toys away, leaves clothes on the floor, and doesn't put his dishes in the dishwasher. Somebody really should take care of Nobody!!
I've been hearing a lot about Nobody.
I went to a Beth Moore Simulcast and found out the writer of Acts and Luke was pretty much a Nobody. A Nobody who was willing to walk alongside Paul and record the incredible accounts of the early church. This Nobody gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit working through another bunch of Nobodies. The apostles didn't necessarily have any formal religious training, but they were passionate about Jesus and wanted others to know Him. Nobody made them go out and reach the world, they wanted to. They saw the need to reach the Gentiles, and so they did. Nobody gave them a list of dos and don'ts, they just followed the Holy Spirit. God used these Nobodies to start a revolution and millions of people are believers because of them.
Our church is going through Max Lucado's book entitled, Outlive Your Life. Tammy, an ordinary school teacher in the U.S, took a mission's trip to Africa. There she saw a need...African school teachers needed new resources to enable them to teach their classes and students more effectively. She wasn't Anybody, she was just a Nobody. She began a website, and now these African teachers can look online and receive the needed tools to give their students a better education. Nobody forced Tammy give of herself or her resources. Nobody could have just gone on the trip and came back more thankful for the resources given to her in the States. But Tammy followed the Holy Spirit, and though she feels like a Nobody, decided to be a Somebody and do something more. Tammy doesn't know why she was called to help African teachers, but she knows God has big plans and so she "just goes with it!"
Nobody can wreck havoc in my house, but does it always have to be that way? What if Nobody could shed his skin and become Some body? Not a high fluent Somebody, but Some body. And what if Some body decided to look beyond himself and just go with it? What if Some body could walk alongside with another Some body and follow the Holy Spirit wherever He led? What would the world look like? What if these "Nobodies" disguised as Some bodies did wreck havoc on this world...only the "havoc" would be a revolution? A revolution to change the world through helping, caring, listening, encouraging, and sharing.
I am inspired...I don't know what it is God is doing with this Nobody...but I long to be a willing Some body. And I don't think I have to wait for some huge marquee or booming voice from Heaven to show me what to do. I just need to follow the Holy Spirit and go with it. It doesn't have to be a big cause or enormous project...it just has to be the next right thing.
Well, Nobody cleaned up the kitchen...so I guess this Some body better get to it!
I've been hearing a lot about Nobody.
I went to a Beth Moore Simulcast and found out the writer of Acts and Luke was pretty much a Nobody. A Nobody who was willing to walk alongside Paul and record the incredible accounts of the early church. This Nobody gives us a glimpse of the Holy Spirit working through another bunch of Nobodies. The apostles didn't necessarily have any formal religious training, but they were passionate about Jesus and wanted others to know Him. Nobody made them go out and reach the world, they wanted to. They saw the need to reach the Gentiles, and so they did. Nobody gave them a list of dos and don'ts, they just followed the Holy Spirit. God used these Nobodies to start a revolution and millions of people are believers because of them.
Our church is going through Max Lucado's book entitled, Outlive Your Life. Tammy, an ordinary school teacher in the U.S, took a mission's trip to Africa. There she saw a need...African school teachers needed new resources to enable them to teach their classes and students more effectively. She wasn't Anybody, she was just a Nobody. She began a website, and now these African teachers can look online and receive the needed tools to give their students a better education. Nobody forced Tammy give of herself or her resources. Nobody could have just gone on the trip and came back more thankful for the resources given to her in the States. But Tammy followed the Holy Spirit, and though she feels like a Nobody, decided to be a Somebody and do something more. Tammy doesn't know why she was called to help African teachers, but she knows God has big plans and so she "just goes with it!"
Nobody can wreck havoc in my house, but does it always have to be that way? What if Nobody could shed his skin and become Some body? Not a high fluent Somebody, but Some body. And what if Some body decided to look beyond himself and just go with it? What if Some body could walk alongside with another Some body and follow the Holy Spirit wherever He led? What would the world look like? What if these "Nobodies" disguised as Some bodies did wreck havoc on this world...only the "havoc" would be a revolution? A revolution to change the world through helping, caring, listening, encouraging, and sharing.
I am inspired...I don't know what it is God is doing with this Nobody...but I long to be a willing Some body. And I don't think I have to wait for some huge marquee or booming voice from Heaven to show me what to do. I just need to follow the Holy Spirit and go with it. It doesn't have to be a big cause or enormous project...it just has to be the next right thing.
Well, Nobody cleaned up the kitchen...so I guess this Some body better get to it!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Love You Through It
It's been a rough few weeks, and I don't say that lightly. I really have been trying to keep my "chins up." But, with so many chins to keep up, its been hard and tiring. I am pretty good at keeping things inside...oh, I may wear my emotions on my sleeve...but rarely do I openly share why I'm showing those emotions.
But, God, in His great wisdom has put some key people in my life who have been instrumental in getting me to open up. They don't judge. They don't cringe. They don't try to fix. They listen. They cry with me. They feel with me. Surprisingly, it really does help to share. It may not take the trouble away, but it sure does help to relieve the feeling of having to handle it by yourself!
I love how God fits the right person for the right circumstance. One friend wondered why she had gone through a particular journey years ago, only to find that I was now going through that same journey. She is now walking it with me, teaching me along the way and guiding me through the do's and dont's.
I have great friends! Each one different. Each one unique. Each one special.
All gifts. Life may be hard, but it becomes a little more bearable with the help of friends!! Friends who "love you through it."
But, God, in His great wisdom has put some key people in my life who have been instrumental in getting me to open up. They don't judge. They don't cringe. They don't try to fix. They listen. They cry with me. They feel with me. Surprisingly, it really does help to share. It may not take the trouble away, but it sure does help to relieve the feeling of having to handle it by yourself!
I love how God fits the right person for the right circumstance. One friend wondered why she had gone through a particular journey years ago, only to find that I was now going through that same journey. She is now walking it with me, teaching me along the way and guiding me through the do's and dont's.
I have great friends! Each one different. Each one unique. Each one special.
All gifts. Life may be hard, but it becomes a little more bearable with the help of friends!! Friends who "love you through it."
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Hello, my name is Amy...
So a friend got me reading her daughter's blog, and I thought..."whatever has happened to my blog?!" So, I checked and it's still here. I'm pretty sure its given up hope of ever being updated. But, alas, here I am! I have so much drama going on in my household that I really don't know where to begin. But, I am here, and for now, I am back with a vengeance...or so I think. I just have to get this first awkward post out of the way, cuz' for some reason, I feel I have to explain my absence to those of you who don't even know I have a blog or aren't even reading this blog anymore. It's okay...really it is!
Anyway, I will be back. And even if it's just me who gets a thrill out of this blog, I will write. I think it will be good therapy for me. I've been through quite a journey and I'm still traveling on its road. If I were writing a play, I would find the character climbing up to the climax of the story...going through the day to day, patiently waiting to see what will become of it all. The character would find herself wondering why she was going through such and such, why that didn't work out, and when it will ever get any better. She knows there is a bigger picture, but finds herself overwhelmed with the big picture because she's barely making it in the smaller picture. Something big is about to happen, but it seems to be taking forever for the climax to reach her.
This is me and where I am at in my life right now. I have good days and then there are bad days. On the good days, I am able to push my fears, insecurities, and worries to the side and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. On the bad days, I am drowning in those fears, insecurities and worries...struggling for a breath, struggling to keep my head above water. I know God sees the whole where I can only see the part. I know His ways far outreach my own. I know He has big plans for me and soon He will reveal the answers to all my questions. I know all of this in my head, but my heart longs for answers and, to be honest, some quick fixes to all of life's problems.
Anyway, I guess this became a bit of raw emotion...they're the real deal, tho. I guess this blog will reflect where I am at in this journey. And like me, I'm sure there will be good days and not so good days. I'm just gonna put it out there, why not, right??!! It's not like this is gonna be out there for the whole wide world to read...oh, wait
Anyway, I will be back. And even if it's just me who gets a thrill out of this blog, I will write. I think it will be good therapy for me. I've been through quite a journey and I'm still traveling on its road. If I were writing a play, I would find the character climbing up to the climax of the story...going through the day to day, patiently waiting to see what will become of it all. The character would find herself wondering why she was going through such and such, why that didn't work out, and when it will ever get any better. She knows there is a bigger picture, but finds herself overwhelmed with the big picture because she's barely making it in the smaller picture. Something big is about to happen, but it seems to be taking forever for the climax to reach her.
This is me and where I am at in my life right now. I have good days and then there are bad days. On the good days, I am able to push my fears, insecurities, and worries to the side and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. On the bad days, I am drowning in those fears, insecurities and worries...struggling for a breath, struggling to keep my head above water. I know God sees the whole where I can only see the part. I know His ways far outreach my own. I know He has big plans for me and soon He will reveal the answers to all my questions. I know all of this in my head, but my heart longs for answers and, to be honest, some quick fixes to all of life's problems.
Anyway, I guess this became a bit of raw emotion...they're the real deal, tho. I guess this blog will reflect where I am at in this journey. And like me, I'm sure there will be good days and not so good days. I'm just gonna put it out there, why not, right??!! It's not like this is gonna be out there for the whole wide world to read...oh, wait
Thursday, March 11, 2010
This morning, Mark asked Zach what he was going to be when he grew up? Zach replied, "I'm gonna be cuter than I am right now!" I tell ya, I just don't know what I'm gonna do with this one?!
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