So, we never really encouraged the whole Santa Claus thing with Austen-not that we thought it was evil or anything, just never did it. People would ask Austen what Santa was going to bring him for Christmas, and Austen would reply, "Santa's not mom and dad give me presents." Austen was the one that emphatically told Zach that Santa was not real, and Zach willingly went a long. At Holiday Specatcular, Zach is sitting backstage-imagine little Zach when Santa comes off the stage and gives him a high five... Zach's eyes got as big as saucers and he became speechless for a few seconds. He looks at me(still wide-eyed and still looking at Santa) and says, "He is real!"
Now when Austen says Santa isn't real, little Zach replies, "Yes he is! I saw him and I gave him a high five!!"
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Why I Don't Like Doctors
So, Austen has been sick for the past 6 days with a fever and cough. Most everyone that I talked to said, "Oh, you should take him to the doctor. This stuff is really going around-he might have strep." I hesitated because whenever I take my kids to the doctor-it always comes back, "Uh, he seems fine to me. It's just gas." Or, "It's just a cough, he'll be fine in a few days." I never get any kind of medicine because its always viral. Knowing this, I waited for a few more days, despite everyone giving me their diagnosis and suggestions. But when Austen woke up for the 5th day with a fever I started thinking about what everyone had been saying. My problem is that it doesn't stop there, no, it multiplies. By the time I decided to take him in, Austen was (in my mind) dying of tuberculosis or malaria. I just knew that I was going to get a huge prescription for medicine or they'll would have to admit him to the hospital.
So, I'm sitting in the waiting room comparing everyone else's sickness with Austen's sickness, and I am positive that Austen is way sicker than they are...
The doctor sees Austen, checks his vitals, etc. The prognosis? A VIRUS! Seriously, this is why I don't like to go to the doctor. He could have had a 106 degree temp, puking, passing out, and a horrible a rash over his whole body, and it would be a virus. I was so mad, I felt like saying, "Can you give me a sample of some medicine? I don't care if it's Tylenol or birth control-I just don't want to walk out of this office empty handed!"
Long story short, by that night, Austen's fever had broke and he was feeling better by the next morning! I know I should be grateful it wasn't something serious, but it just bugs me because I never know when I need to take him to the doctor! If I don't take him, it's something serious. If I do, it's never anything big.
Hopefully, this will be the last of the sickness until next year because I can't ahndle the strees of making that crucial decision!
So, I'm sitting in the waiting room comparing everyone else's sickness with Austen's sickness, and I am positive that Austen is way sicker than they are...
The doctor sees Austen, checks his vitals, etc. The prognosis? A VIRUS! Seriously, this is why I don't like to go to the doctor. He could have had a 106 degree temp, puking, passing out, and a horrible a rash over his whole body, and it would be a virus. I was so mad, I felt like saying, "Can you give me a sample of some medicine? I don't care if it's Tylenol or birth control-I just don't want to walk out of this office empty handed!"
Long story short, by that night, Austen's fever had broke and he was feeling better by the next morning! I know I should be grateful it wasn't something serious, but it just bugs me because I never know when I need to take him to the doctor! If I don't take him, it's something serious. If I do, it's never anything big.
Hopefully, this will be the last of the sickness until next year because I can't ahndle the strees of making that crucial decision!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Austen James Manahan
This should have been my first post since my huge lapse from the blogging world, but...
on November 11th, my son Austen comes up to me after Sunday School. he looks at me and says, "Oh, mom, I asked Jesus into my heart today." I looked at him, tears in my eyes and tell him how proud I am of him. He smiles and then it happened...I began asking question after question. I couldn't stop myself, the questions were flying out of my mouth with no chance of him actually being able to answer them all. "Who was speaking in Sunday School?" "What did they say that made you think you needed Jesus to come into your heart?" "Who did you talk to?" "What did you say when you talked to your Sunday School teacher?" On and on I went, until Austen says, "Mom, stop asking me so many questions! I just asked Jesus into me heart! That's it!" I was just excited about his special news that I wanted to find out all that I could...
So, we went our to celebrate Austen's salvation experience, and since then he has told his teachers, his grandparents, and friends. I can't tell you how exciting it is to know your child is saved and going to Heaven! He has been a changed little boy, too. He talks to Mark and I about making good choices, and wants to pray every night before bed. It's really neat to watch him grow!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Holiday Spectacular!
Alas, it has been too long since my last post...but never fear, Becky (my faithful reader) here is something new!!!

Okay, so I have been incredibly busy these past few months. It has been my dream to get involved in the community theatre scene, and I finally got my chance to do so this past weekend with Holiday Spectacular. This is a Broadway type variety show that involves at least 200 hundred people from the community who sing, dance, and act. I was fortunate to get into the choir as a towns person. I have never had so much fun in my life!!! I met so many new people, all who were very talented! The best part of this experience is that little Zach (who I have determined is indeed my Broadway star and boy diva!) was able to have a role in the show. Yes, Zach debuted as a homeless child and a shepherd. I have posted some pictures of this "spectacular" event...did I mention there were camels and llamas in the show??!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
So, I have decided that my kids do not eat enough fruit, so my solution was to pack my two boys with an apple every day for lunch. I was so proud of myself when I cored each apple and gingerly placed them into each boys Glad Ziplock baggie-I made sure to squeeze lemon over the apples to insure they would not be brown when they went to eat their apples.
Monday, I glanced over and saw Austen chomping away thoroughly enjoying his snack of delicious apples. On Tuesday, I saw Zach throw away his empty lunch sack. . . I was so excited that he was finally eating heathly. On Wednesday, I didn't bother paying attention to what the boys were eating because I knew for sure they were eating and enjoying the tasty delicacy their mother had packed for them. I could hear their little voices begging for more apples over the weekend, wanting to replace their sugary snacks with more fruit!! My heart skipped a beat.
So, imagine my utter suprise when I saw Zach in the kitchen at school with Miss "Morefross" crying his little heart out. I was sure he was sad because he had run out of apples and wanted more! That's what my mind was telling me, but my ears were hearing another story. . .
Apparently Zach was scared after he had opened his locker; something had invaded his locker and was flying in the hallway. You see, little Zach had NOT been eating his apples, he had been "saving them for later." Little flies had been feasting on his delicious and healthy snacks and now were out searching (I am sure) for more delicious and healthy snacks.
Needless to say, Zach doesn't get apples for lunch anymore. . .
Monday, I glanced over and saw Austen chomping away thoroughly enjoying his snack of delicious apples. On Tuesday, I saw Zach throw away his empty lunch sack. . . I was so excited that he was finally eating heathly. On Wednesday, I didn't bother paying attention to what the boys were eating because I knew for sure they were eating and enjoying the tasty delicacy their mother had packed for them. I could hear their little voices begging for more apples over the weekend, wanting to replace their sugary snacks with more fruit!! My heart skipped a beat.
So, imagine my utter suprise when I saw Zach in the kitchen at school with Miss "Morefross" crying his little heart out. I was sure he was sad because he had run out of apples and wanted more! That's what my mind was telling me, but my ears were hearing another story. . .
Apparently Zach was scared after he had opened his locker; something had invaded his locker and was flying in the hallway. You see, little Zach had NOT been eating his apples, he had been "saving them for later." Little flies had been feasting on his delicious and healthy snacks and now were out searching (I am sure) for more delicious and healthy snacks.
Needless to say, Zach doesn't get apples for lunch anymore. . .
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Family Reunion
I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed this year's Langrebe Family Reunion!! We had great food, incredible games, and fun fellowship.
It is a tradition to have our family reunion during the 4th of July holiday weekend. My mom has 10 other siblings( 5 sisters/5 brothers), 9 of which are still living. All the sisters and brothers and their families get together to eat and play Landgrebe Olympics! My cousin Sharon comes up with the games and they are a hoot! The winning family gets a real trophy and the title of CHAMPIONS for the year! It is great fun. My cousin Sharon usually heads up the games, but was sick that day (we missed her terribly!). . . so, the younger generation(Nicki, Willie, myself) and my cousin Julie(sorry Julie!) headed up the festivities! All who know me know that I am not shy when it comes to talking into a microphone and telling people what to do, so I was in my element for sure!! We played crazy games and had lots of fun!
My family were not the winners this year, and might I add, we have never been the winning family. I'm not going to say who the weak link is, but it rhymes with "Party." I guess I should give her credit for at least participating, but I really want that trophy!!! My Aunt Marie and her family won this year, and they deserve the Champion title since they only had 4 family members present. . . but watch out, Aunt Marie! The Moit/Manahans are coming after you next year!!
After the Olympics, we play Bingo, which is equally competitive. . . everyone wants to win a candle or cookbook. I believe my cousin Tina set the record for having the most Bingo cards at one sitting; she says she was playing for her mom, but that's debatable!-of course, she won!
Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures from this reunion.

***On a side note, everyone needs to check out my good friend Jacque's NEW blog. I love welcoming new members into the blogging world!!! Don't leave without making a comment on her blog; she'll love it!
It is a tradition to have our family reunion during the 4th of July holiday weekend. My mom has 10 other siblings( 5 sisters/5 brothers), 9 of which are still living. All the sisters and brothers and their families get together to eat and play Landgrebe Olympics! My cousin Sharon comes up with the games and they are a hoot! The winning family gets a real trophy and the title of CHAMPIONS for the year! It is great fun. My cousin Sharon usually heads up the games, but was sick that day (we missed her terribly!). . . so, the younger generation(Nicki, Willie, myself) and my cousin Julie(sorry Julie!) headed up the festivities! All who know me know that I am not shy when it comes to talking into a microphone and telling people what to do, so I was in my element for sure!! We played crazy games and had lots of fun!
My family were not the winners this year, and might I add, we have never been the winning family. I'm not going to say who the weak link is, but it rhymes with "Party." I guess I should give her credit for at least participating, but I really want that trophy!!! My Aunt Marie and her family won this year, and they deserve the Champion title since they only had 4 family members present. . . but watch out, Aunt Marie! The Moit/Manahans are coming after you next year!!
After the Olympics, we play Bingo, which is equally competitive. . . everyone wants to win a candle or cookbook. I believe my cousin Tina set the record for having the most Bingo cards at one sitting; she says she was playing for her mom, but that's debatable!-of course, she won!
Anyway, I thought you would enjoy seeing the pictures from this reunion.
***On a side note, everyone needs to check out my good friend Jacque's NEW blog. I love welcoming new members into the blogging world!!! Don't leave without making a comment on her blog; she'll love it!
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Fourth of July
I have always enjoyed the Fourth of July; it being one of my favorite holidays. This year we had a great time with my friend Nicki at her family/friend party. We had great food, great entertainment and great games- the Manahan family dominated Bochi Ball-is that how you spell it?!!
After the party, we headed home for a little nap before heading out to watch the fireworks. Fireworks this year were awesome!! I am always awed and amazed by the fireworks spectacular. This year we watched at a little park near Miller Park. Poor Zach had his fingers in his ear the whole time, but the rest of us had fun!
As always we take a family picture, which is a tradition. But, the catch is we try to take it ourselves. So, here we are, in the dark, and squished together, while I have my arm stcking out trying to get us all in the shot. Although we have yet to get it right, it is alot of fun looking through the viewfinder to see "who got cut off this time." This year, a super nice lady came to my rescue and took the family picture for us. It is the best picture to date because you can actually see us-all of us.
*notice how I always get myself in the picture. . . hmmm)
Monday, July 2, 2007
This and That
This post is dedicated to Mamie, who I am pretty sure is my only faithful reader left since I don't update my blog nearly enough! So, Mamie. . . enjoy!

I would be the one in the big, black, "mom" suit! Which on a side note. . .
I sort of feel like there is not a whole lot to post. I am working at Kidz Central 5 days a week and my life pretty much consists of breaking up little girl fights (a new experience), preparing snacks, heading up games, and making crafts. Yep, I've resorted to craft making, which I am no Martha Stewart. I either get obsessive compulsive with my own craft or obsessive compulsive with the kids crafts. Either way, I am not a crafter!! But I am learning a lot about dealing with little children. I wouldn't categorize myself as a "love to watch other people's children" sort of gal (just ask Shelly), but I find this job rather enjoyable and I never dread going to work each day. It is very challenging-in a good way! Every day is different and I love the kids to death!! Plus, I get to be with my own kids and see how they interact with the other kids.
Of course, I am learning a whole new vocabulary that I would never use with my high school students! Infact, I don't really use it with my own kids. Here's just a few expressions that I find myself using quite frequently: "We don't bonk people on the head. Let's use our walking feet! Stop, look and listen! All right, we're having a sniff test to see if you used soap when you washed your hands!" Yeah, I'm a changed woman. I also work with great people! We have so much fun with together!
I would be the one in the big, black, "mom" suit! Which on a side note. . .
Where are all the cutey and hip suits for moms?! Especially moms who might be a tad busty? I mean, once I resolved not to look like an 85 year old grandma and refused to buy a suit with flowers and gold trim-I was left with that little number. I don't think the "little black dress" mentality applies to the bathing suit! Yikes!!
Anyway, Mark and I celebrated our 10th anniversary. Hard to believe he has stayed with me for so long, huh?! We decided that we would celebrate with a nice romantic night out. . . with the boys! Yep, the boys tagged along. . . real romantic. We ate out at a Japanese restaurant where they cook your food at your table. Then we went to Grady's Family Fun Center where we drove go-carts and bumper boats. After that, we ended the evening with ice cream. I wouldn't have imagined celebrating such a momentous occasion with the boys, but we had fun night. Austen commented that this was the "best day ever!" He seemed to think that every day should be anniversary! I agree, if it means Mark buying me presents every day!!
This is what Mark and I have become after 10 years of marriage-not bad, eh?!
I should also mention that I have FACEBOOK now. Yeah, like I need more to do on the computer! I can barely manage this blog, what makes me think I can manage a FACEBOOK?! But, the difference is that I have a manager. Alyssa is my FACEBOOK manager- posting and commenting on my pictures, editing, adding new friends. I wish I could have other managers managing all my other duties in life-wouldn't that be great?!
All right, so now you are updated. I hope to post tomorrow or Wednesday. . . perhaps I need to look into getting a blog manager!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
School's Out
I always have good intentions of keeping my blog current. . . I will strive to do better!
School is out for the summer, and I am currently working at Kidz Central. We do crafts, games, field trips, etc. . . It is so much fun working with the different children and with the great staff members!! I also get to bring my kids with me, which they love! Austen loves playing with his little friends, and Zachary loves playing with all the Barbie dolls( I'm afraid he is still in the doll phase)
It has been a challenge going from highschool age to elementary age. You tend to have to be a little more detailed in your instructions. . .but it is a great deal of fun, and allows for good stories-stay tuned. . .
School is out for the summer, and I am currently working at Kidz Central. We do crafts, games, field trips, etc. . . It is so much fun working with the different children and with the great staff members!! I also get to bring my kids with me, which they love! Austen loves playing with his little friends, and Zachary loves playing with all the Barbie dolls( I'm afraid he is still in the doll phase)
It has been a challenge going from highschool age to elementary age. You tend to have to be a little more detailed in your instructions. . .but it is a great deal of fun, and allows for good stories-stay tuned. . .
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Chopped Liver
So, Austen has a field trip today to Wildlife Prairie Park. I thought I would try to suprise him by going to with him on this great little adventure. . . I sometimes feel guilty because I don't get to participate in his field trips or class parties because I am usually teaching, so hence the idea that I would suprise him.
I painstakingly made arrangements for a sub to take my classes, I got my leave of absence approved by both principals, I double checked to make sure I had extra personal days- I was set and excited!
As I waited to tell Austen the great news, I envisioned us running through the prairie land together, laughing, and enjoying our special time together. I could picture Austen smiling at me in gratefulness for being his mom and for "sacrficing" to be at his last field trip.
Austen finally came home form school, and I beamed as I told him I was going with him tomorrow. "We get to hang out together, just you and me. Aren't you excited, Austen?"
My son's face said it all. His exuerberant face became down-trodden,a s he slowly said. . . "You know, mom, you don't really have to go if you don't want to." Don't want to? Why wouldn't you want me to? I'm a fun gal, don't you want to be with me?
I slowly picked up the pieces of my shattered heart and ran to my husband for reassurance. It was then that he informed of rule # 317 in the How to Raise Boys Handbook:
"The words hang out with each other implies to a little boy
that he must solely spend time with his mother. Little boys
don't always want to hang out with their mothers, not when
there are other little boys to hang out with. While thier
mothers may be fun, they would rather have adventures
with their friends who are really, really fun!"
All right, so this made sense to me. Of course he wanted me there, just not running together hand in hand through the prairies. And of course he loves me, he just may not be expressing his heartfelt, undying love for me every second of the day. So, I am okay with watching Austen have fun with his friends and having little adventures with them. Hey, at least I am there to witness his adventures, right?! And when he needs lunch or money. . . well, then he'll be glad that I was there!
I painstakingly made arrangements for a sub to take my classes, I got my leave of absence approved by both principals, I double checked to make sure I had extra personal days- I was set and excited!
As I waited to tell Austen the great news, I envisioned us running through the prairie land together, laughing, and enjoying our special time together. I could picture Austen smiling at me in gratefulness for being his mom and for "sacrficing" to be at his last field trip.
Austen finally came home form school, and I beamed as I told him I was going with him tomorrow. "We get to hang out together, just you and me. Aren't you excited, Austen?"
My son's face said it all. His exuerberant face became down-trodden,a s he slowly said. . . "You know, mom, you don't really have to go if you don't want to." Don't want to? Why wouldn't you want me to? I'm a fun gal, don't you want to be with me?
I slowly picked up the pieces of my shattered heart and ran to my husband for reassurance. It was then that he informed of rule # 317 in the How to Raise Boys Handbook:
"The words hang out with each other implies to a little boy
that he must solely spend time with his mother. Little boys
don't always want to hang out with their mothers, not when
there are other little boys to hang out with. While thier
mothers may be fun, they would rather have adventures
with their friends who are really, really fun!"
All right, so this made sense to me. Of course he wanted me there, just not running together hand in hand through the prairies. And of course he loves me, he just may not be expressing his heartfelt, undying love for me every second of the day. So, I am okay with watching Austen have fun with his friends and having little adventures with them. Hey, at least I am there to witness his adventures, right?! And when he needs lunch or money. . . well, then he'll be glad that I was there!
Monday, May 21, 2007
As I sit at my school desk on this final week of school, my heart is filled with many reflective thoughts. I can't help but think how I started this year and how I will end it.
I wasn't supossed to be here at CBA this year. I started this year away from God, angry and bitter about curcumstances God had placed in my life. I allowed myself to be critical of everyone and everything. I wanted to leave and go somewhere else, far away from God and Christian education. But God had something bigger planned for my life. He got a hold of my heart and changed me.
I began seeking to do God's will, and becasue of that, Satan began attacking me with all sorts of lies. I started having doubts, insecurities, and fears about my teaching. Was this where I needed to be, should I try something else, am I really what is best for CBA. . . ? I did not know why God kept me at CBA. I didn't know whether or not I was having an impact on these kids. I just didn't know what to do.
This past weekend was graduation, and God used my students to give me the answers to those questions that I so desperately needed to hear. Through their encouraging words and thankful hearts, I realized that I want to be no where else than CBA!
This has been one of the best years. It has been extremely difficult, Satan has attacked me more than ever before. But, I have learned more about myself and about my God than I have ever before in the past. God's timing has been perfect, though at times I didn't realize that until after the fact. God has sent various students in my life who have encouraged me and inspired me to want to be a better Christian. He has sent parents and faculty members who have made me laugh when I didn't feel like laughing, who helped me endure the day or week when they had no clue what was happening in my life. He has sent financial help our way before we even had time to pray for help or before we knew we were going to need financial help. I have been amazed by our God, and overwhelmed by His Sovereignty.
I still don't know why God keeps me here at CBA, or what kind of impact I am having on these kids, if I am having one at all, or if I am the best teacher on this planet. But I do know that God is giving me such a burden and a true love for the students of CBA. I do know that God is great and His ways are higher than my ways. And I do know for the first time that I have an absolute peace that I need to be at CBA, and I am already excited to see what God will do next school year.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Aubree Update
As I sit to write this post, I am reminded of the verse in Isaiah-My thoughts are not your thoughts nor my ways your ways, but just as the sun is higher than the earth so are my thoughts toward you.
For whatever reason the surgery scheduled for Aubree was cancelled. The doctor was litterally stuck in New York due to bad weather and could not get a flight out to Chicago.
It didn't make sense to me or to Shelly or to anyone, but God's ways are perfect. I know it was a struggle, but in the end God made Himself real to Shelly and all is well. They scheduled the surgery for the summer and now Shelly knows that God can and will help her through it all.
For whatever reason the surgery scheduled for Aubree was cancelled. The doctor was litterally stuck in New York due to bad weather and could not get a flight out to Chicago.
It didn't make sense to me or to Shelly or to anyone, but God's ways are perfect. I know it was a struggle, but in the end God made Himself real to Shelly and all is well. They scheduled the surgery for the summer and now Shelly knows that God can and will help her through it all.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I know, I know. . . it's been entirely way to long since I have last posted on my blog. I have had a brief intermission with the drama in my life. I must say I have enjoyed the quietness of this intermission!
There is no way to ease into this post, so I will save the introduction and get to my point.
I have a dear friend named Shelly, who has been my best friend since I was 2 years of age. She is my dearest friend, someone who I have endured many hardships with, shared many a laugh with, and cried many a tear with. Shelly is the sister I never had, and the Harts are like my extended family.

Shelly's daughter, Aubree, is 11 years old and has had many health problems throughout her short little life. Thursday she will be undergoing a very serious surgery to correct some problems with her liver and spleen. I would so appreciate your prayers on my friend and her daughter's behalf. I could not even begin to explain this surgery, but if you would like to read Shelly's account, click on this link http://hartgirlies:Mystery
Shelly is a rock and an inspiration to me. Through this difficult time, she has shown me what it is to trust God for everything. I am grateful for her friendship, and I know God will bless her for her faithfulness in Him!
There is no way to ease into this post, so I will save the introduction and get to my point.
I have a dear friend named Shelly, who has been my best friend since I was 2 years of age. She is my dearest friend, someone who I have endured many hardships with, shared many a laugh with, and cried many a tear with. Shelly is the sister I never had, and the Harts are like my extended family.

Shelly's daughter, Aubree, is 11 years old and has had many health problems throughout her short little life. Thursday she will be undergoing a very serious surgery to correct some problems with her liver and spleen. I would so appreciate your prayers on my friend and her daughter's behalf. I could not even begin to explain this surgery, but if you would like to read Shelly's account, click on this link http://hartgirlies:Mystery
Please pray that God will give Shelly peace and will calm her anxious heart. Pray that God will give Aubree's doctor's wisdom and precision as they operate. Pray for Aubree that she will feel God's presense and that she will not be afraid.
Shelly is a rock and an inspiration to me. Through this difficult time, she has shown me what it is to trust God for everything. I am grateful for her friendship, and I know God will bless her for her faithfulness in Him!
Monday, April 30, 2007
My little Zach has turned four today! I woke him up today with a party hat on my head blowing one of those little honking noise makers, and singing "Happy Birthday." I admit is was a bit annoying, but it sure was fun to see his face when he realized it was his birthday. He immediately jumped out of bed wanting his birthday cake and his presents! He takes after his ole mom on that one!! He was so excited and kept running around the house this morning decalring. . . "It's my birthday! Happy birthday to me! I am four!"
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Almighty God
In the midst of play practices, doctor appointments, getting my house ready for company tomorrow, and church campaigns-I was quieted by God this morning. With all the busyness of my life right now, I needed to be calmed by God's quiet voice. I love how God always seems to have just the right verse at just the right moment in time or how He plans my devotions to correlate with the events in my life.
Today I was reminded of God's greatness. There are times when I get myself into situations that are bigger than me. I fret, I worry, I stress, and I lose hope. How comforting to know that there is no situation so great that God is not greater still. He knows me, He cares about me, He stregnthens me, and He helps me. God is always there and God can do anything!
So, as I face the mountains of my to-do list, I know that Almighty God is on my side. What is huge to me, is nothing in God's eyes. Through Christ, I can do all things!!
Today I was reminded of God's greatness. There are times when I get myself into situations that are bigger than me. I fret, I worry, I stress, and I lose hope. How comforting to know that there is no situation so great that God is not greater still. He knows me, He cares about me, He stregnthens me, and He helps me. God is always there and God can do anything!
So, as I face the mountains of my to-do list, I know that Almighty God is on my side. What is huge to me, is nothing in God's eyes. Through Christ, I can do all things!!
Friday, April 20, 2007
We Made It!
Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of Austen with hearing aids. The day came and went without a big scene, but as I reflected on this time last year I couldn't help but thank God for helping us learn how to cope and for allowing us to survive.
When Austen was five we noticed that he wasn't speaking very clearly, but everyone seemed to think that it was a phase and he would out grow it. But, as he entered kindergarten, his teacher mentioned that he couldn't form certain letters no matter how hard tried. She had suggested taking him to a speech therapist, and the speech therapist recommended that he have a hearing test taken. So, in December of 2005, he had his first hearing test. He flat-lined it, meaning he wasn't hearing properly. Our doctor put him on certain medications to see if that would clear any fluids in his ears, but within that month nothing had changed. The result was having tubes put in his ears in February of 2006. We were certain this would work, but to no avail. Austen's second hearing test had no improvements. We were recommended to a children's hearing specialist where we received the news. Austen had moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears, and we later found that it was a genetic disorder called Connexion 26. He needed hearing aids. I remember being completely shocked and stunned. My first reaction was to blame myself that I hadn't caught it sooner, then I was angry that my son had a disability, and then I was heartbroken. My poor "baby" had to have hearing aids!!
We received the hearing aids on April 19, 2006. They were big, chunky, and awkward in my eyes. But, Austen was astounded at all the noises he could hear. As we were traveling back home, he kept saying his hearing aids sounded funny. I inspected them, but couldn't find the problem. We realized the noise wasn't his hearing aids, but the tires hitting the pavement.
On the first day at school with his hearing aids, we had show and tell. The kids all thought that Austen's hearing aids were the coolest things! Some thought Austen was a robot, and some thought he could hear people's thoughts with them.
But slowly, the newness of the hearing aids wore off. Those that didn't know Austen or didn't know about our on going problem would ask him about the hearing aids, and this started to bother Austen causing him to not want to wear the aids. He fought us over wearing them, and over a period of time he became withdrawn and secluded himself from people. He was embarrassed by them and hated the attention always being focused on them. I remember taking him to the park one afternoon, and watched him sitting on a swing watching everyone play. I told him to go make a friend and he just nodded "no." Before that day,he had been an outgoing little boy who had never met a stranger. And on that day, he was sitting all alone. As a mother, I wanted to rip the hearing aids out of his ear and let him go back to how it used to be. I didn't want him to be different, I wanted my bubbly little boy back. I can remember thinking how we would ever get through this. How was this disability ever going to be a normal part of our lives?!
Last month marked a significant milestone. Austen accidentally jumped in the shower one night with his hearing aids. My husband got a little upset and quickly told him to get them off. Austen was upset because he thought we were mad at him. He came into my bedroom and apologized. He said, "Mom, I just forget that I am wearing them!" The next morning he said, "I just love wearing my hearing aids, Mom, because I can hear so good!"
It was then that I realized that Austen with all his hearing problems and his hearing aids had become part of our lives. We had adapted and we had learned to go on with our lives.
I don't know why God has allowed this to happen to Austen, and I may never know. But, through all of this, we have learned about God's goodness. He has provided funds to help pay for medical bills, great conversations within our family, and compassion towards all those with disablities.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." I know that God has great plans for Austen and I am excited to see how He will use Austen because of this disability!
When Austen was five we noticed that he wasn't speaking very clearly, but everyone seemed to think that it was a phase and he would out grow it. But, as he entered kindergarten, his teacher mentioned that he couldn't form certain letters no matter how hard tried. She had suggested taking him to a speech therapist, and the speech therapist recommended that he have a hearing test taken. So, in December of 2005, he had his first hearing test. He flat-lined it, meaning he wasn't hearing properly. Our doctor put him on certain medications to see if that would clear any fluids in his ears, but within that month nothing had changed. The result was having tubes put in his ears in February of 2006. We were certain this would work, but to no avail. Austen's second hearing test had no improvements. We were recommended to a children's hearing specialist where we received the news. Austen had moderate to severe hearing loss in both ears, and we later found that it was a genetic disorder called Connexion 26. He needed hearing aids. I remember being completely shocked and stunned. My first reaction was to blame myself that I hadn't caught it sooner, then I was angry that my son had a disability, and then I was heartbroken. My poor "baby" had to have hearing aids!!
We received the hearing aids on April 19, 2006. They were big, chunky, and awkward in my eyes. But, Austen was astounded at all the noises he could hear. As we were traveling back home, he kept saying his hearing aids sounded funny. I inspected them, but couldn't find the problem. We realized the noise wasn't his hearing aids, but the tires hitting the pavement.
On the first day at school with his hearing aids, we had show and tell. The kids all thought that Austen's hearing aids were the coolest things! Some thought Austen was a robot, and some thought he could hear people's thoughts with them.
But slowly, the newness of the hearing aids wore off. Those that didn't know Austen or didn't know about our on going problem would ask him about the hearing aids, and this started to bother Austen causing him to not want to wear the aids. He fought us over wearing them, and over a period of time he became withdrawn and secluded himself from people. He was embarrassed by them and hated the attention always being focused on them. I remember taking him to the park one afternoon, and watched him sitting on a swing watching everyone play. I told him to go make a friend and he just nodded "no." Before that day,he had been an outgoing little boy who had never met a stranger. And on that day, he was sitting all alone. As a mother, I wanted to rip the hearing aids out of his ear and let him go back to how it used to be. I didn't want him to be different, I wanted my bubbly little boy back. I can remember thinking how we would ever get through this. How was this disability ever going to be a normal part of our lives?!
Last month marked a significant milestone. Austen accidentally jumped in the shower one night with his hearing aids. My husband got a little upset and quickly told him to get them off. Austen was upset because he thought we were mad at him. He came into my bedroom and apologized. He said, "Mom, I just forget that I am wearing them!" The next morning he said, "I just love wearing my hearing aids, Mom, because I can hear so good!"
It was then that I realized that Austen with all his hearing problems and his hearing aids had become part of our lives. We had adapted and we had learned to go on with our lives.
I don't know why God has allowed this to happen to Austen, and I may never know. But, through all of this, we have learned about God's goodness. He has provided funds to help pay for medical bills, great conversations within our family, and compassion towards all those with disablities.
Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans that I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." I know that God has great plans for Austen and I am excited to see how He will use Austen because of this disability!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Second Rate
So, this past weekend I had an opportunity to play a character I was meant to play. . . THE QUEEN of the Princess Ball. Every other year our church has a Princess Ball, in which the little girls get all dressed up and are excorted by their fathers to the ball. I was asked to be the Queen of Etiquette. Yes, I did say etiquette-Never mind the fact that I had to "google" the word etiquette to get tips to teach the princesses. Anyway, I got all dressed up in my royal apparel(complete with tiara and wand), and had my hair and make-up done.
I went to the ball and it was so refreshing to be around so many little, dainty girls. They hung on my every word, eager to learn how to be mannerly, which rarely happens with my boys. After my etiquette leasson, I walked around the ball during dinner reminding them to use their manners. After their dinner was over, they were so proud to show me how they had arranged their utensils on their plate to show the waiter they were done with dinner, and they blotted their little mouths ever so gracefully. At this ball, I was treated like a queen! I was somebody.
I was so excited to go home and tell Mark all about my night. I remained in my royal apparel so he could gaze upon my queenly beauty. I arrived home before him, so I waited ever so patiently for my Prince Charming to arrive. At last, he was there! He walked to our bedroom and smiled. I jumped up and ran to him, to which he replied, "Did you see what is in the barn?!"
To which I replied, "No, Mark, but do you see me in my queenly apparel?" He looked at me, and said, "Yes, you look nice, but I just bought a horse. Come on, let's go out to the barn and see it!"
It was at that moment I realized, even with all my royal glory, I was second rate to our newly aquired pet. Oh, to be at the Ball with all my little Princesses. Oh, to be somebody, again!!
I went to the ball and it was so refreshing to be around so many little, dainty girls. They hung on my every word, eager to learn how to be mannerly, which rarely happens with my boys. After my etiquette leasson, I walked around the ball during dinner reminding them to use their manners. After their dinner was over, they were so proud to show me how they had arranged their utensils on their plate to show the waiter they were done with dinner, and they blotted their little mouths ever so gracefully. At this ball, I was treated like a queen! I was somebody.
I was so excited to go home and tell Mark all about my night. I remained in my royal apparel so he could gaze upon my queenly beauty. I arrived home before him, so I waited ever so patiently for my Prince Charming to arrive. At last, he was there! He walked to our bedroom and smiled. I jumped up and ran to him, to which he replied, "Did you see what is in the barn?!"
To which I replied, "No, Mark, but do you see me in my queenly apparel?" He looked at me, and said, "Yes, you look nice, but I just bought a horse. Come on, let's go out to the barn and see it!"
It was at that moment I realized, even with all my royal glory, I was second rate to our newly aquired pet. Oh, to be at the Ball with all my little Princesses. Oh, to be somebody, again!!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Amy Oakley rides again
One of the perks of working on a horse farm is that we are able to ride the horses. I am not a horse lover, but horses are my husband's passion. On occassion, I will actually ride a horse with Mark, which makes him super happy. It is his goal in life to make me a cowgirl. I really don't mind riding, but there is noone to watch the boys. So, I don't get the chance to ride very often.
Last night, my husband put on his little pouty eyes and asked me if I would ride one of the horses he is trying to get ready for a lesson this weekend. I wasn't really wanting to ride, but I haven't ridden for almost 2 years, and I knew it would make Mark's night! So, I rode for about 30 minutes and actually had alot of fun. The boys played in the tack room and watched me ride, and they thought I was pretty cool. Of course that didn't last for very long. . .
Anyway, I thought I would post a picture of me riding Casey. He is a beautiful horse-the picture doesn't do him justice. I made a deal with Mark that I would ride with him at least once a week. I figure this could be a little hobby that we share with each other. And who knows, maybe this will make Mark want to attend more plays with me!!
Monday, April 9, 2007
Shining Stars
I love how God specifically speaks to me. This verse caught my eye last week, but I have been so touched by this verse that I am making it my "Verse for the Week."
Philppians 2:15
". . . so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life. . ."
I am invovled in a prayer group at school, mostly students. We meet every Tuesday and pray specifically for revival in the school and for opportunities to share our faith with those in the school who need Jesus' salvation. Lately, the group has been a little discouraged because the numbers in the group have been low, we haven't seen a lot of answered prayers, and we don't seem to see lot of fruit from our shared faith. When I saw this verse I thought of this beloved prayer group.
Number One, I love that I am encouraged to shine like a star. The drama queen in me, gets this verse!! But, instead of shining for myself, I am shining for Jesus!
Number Two, I see that no matter the circumstance, I am commanded to shine like stars. Regardless of the low numbers at prayer meeting, the "seemingly" unanswered prayers or the fruitless encounters, I am commanded to keep on shining. We must be the stars that help light this dark world. We must not give up or get discouraged-we must keep on shining.
I would love for you all to pray for this group at CBA that they would not be discouraged but keep doing what is right. And I would love for you to pray for a student that desperately needs to open his heart to Jesus-Mitch. Please pray that Mitch's eyes will be open to the love God has for him inspite of his past.
Philppians 2:15
". . . so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life. . ."
I am invovled in a prayer group at school, mostly students. We meet every Tuesday and pray specifically for revival in the school and for opportunities to share our faith with those in the school who need Jesus' salvation. Lately, the group has been a little discouraged because the numbers in the group have been low, we haven't seen a lot of answered prayers, and we don't seem to see lot of fruit from our shared faith. When I saw this verse I thought of this beloved prayer group.
Number One, I love that I am encouraged to shine like a star. The drama queen in me, gets this verse!! But, instead of shining for myself, I am shining for Jesus!
Number Two, I see that no matter the circumstance, I am commanded to shine like stars. Regardless of the low numbers at prayer meeting, the "seemingly" unanswered prayers or the fruitless encounters, I am commanded to keep on shining. We must be the stars that help light this dark world. We must not give up or get discouraged-we must keep on shining.
I would love for you all to pray for this group at CBA that they would not be discouraged but keep doing what is right. And I would love for you to pray for a student that desperately needs to open his heart to Jesus-Mitch. Please pray that Mitch's eyes will be open to the love God has for him inspite of his past.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Alfred Hitchcock's THE BIRDS II
I walk into the house after an exhausting day, put my groceries on the counter and prepare to put the groceries away. Meanwhile, Austen is digging into the new snacks and Zach runs to the bathroom. Zach runs back into the kitchen saying the bird in the bathroom scared him. I'm thinking, "Bird? What bird? He must be telling me one of his stories." So, I walk to the bathroom door, all the while asking him about the littlel birdie. I stop at the door and peer in. All of a sudden, this mammoth bird flies over my head!! Those who know me, know that I am deathly afraid of birds-I hate them! I think it all started with that BIRD movie by Hitchcock. Anyway, as you can imagine, I screamed and ran to my bedroom, where I proceed to lock the door (just in case the bird was going to try to get in my room). As I shut the door, I thought to myself: I am bigger than this bird. I am an adult woman. I must be brave for the sake of my children. I am going to go get that bird out of my house! So, I muster all the strength that I have and open the door. I creep into the living room, where the bird is crouched on my lamp looking at me. I truly believe the bird was waiting for me, honestly! I look at the bird, the bird looks at me. Then, it starts flapping it's wings and starts flying around my living room like a crazy bird. Being the adult woman, I scream bloody murder and run back to the safety of my room and children.
By now, my heart is beating fast, my pulse is racing-I am a terrified woman! I call Mark- my rock, my stronghold-who apparently doesn't know me very well. He suggests that I go get the fish net we have in our entry way and proceed to catch the bird. What?! He wants me to go catch the bird in a net? Are you kidding me?! I am a grown woman, who has locked herself in her bedroom. You want me to go catch a bird?!! So, I wait for Mark to arrive, which seemed to take forever.
Meanwhile, my icecream is melting because I left it on the counter. So, I again, muster some courage to go back into the kitchen to put my ice cream away. I ever so gingerly open the bedroom door, and tiptoe into the kitchen. The bird is flapping away in the living room, and hit the wall-I beleive in attempts to scare me and keep me in my bedroom-it is a very controlling bird! So, I jump, scream, and run back to the bedroom-the ice cream can wait. I certainly don't want to upset the bird or make it angry-who knows what powers this bird has and the what harm it can do to me.
I'm waiting, patiently for my husband to come home, when I hear some thumping noises in the living room. I thought the bird was knocking things over on my walls on purpose of course. I begin to open the door, when a loud bang hit the door. I scream at the top of my lungs because I know for sure the bird has found my safe haven and is attacking the door to get in and get me.
Behind the door, I hear laughter. Knowing that birds can't laugh, I soon realize that my husband has come home and has rid our house of the monsterous bird. He thought it would be funny to play a little trick on his poor, defenseless wife.
How did he get the bird out, you may ask? He opened the door and it flew out.
Here is a picture of the bird that was in my house. Granted, it is not the exact bird. My bird was much more menancing looking, and had the look of revenge in his eyes. But, you get the picture. . .
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Well, the Broadway program is over. And I happy to announce that all went well! I was so proud at how my drama class "stepped it up" this year. Allow me to explain:
I had great plans and visions of my drama class jumping out of the baptistry and dancing on the choir modesty rail; it was going to be so cool! Well, our pastor saw us practicing and told our Principal that we would not be able to do the number- this was on Tuesday afternoon and the show was on Thursday. The reasoning was partly safety, but mostly because it was the church auditorium. I was so devastated. The kids had been practicing for 2 months on this number, it was difficult to learn and choreograph. I was in a difficult position of telling the kids they couldn't do something when I myself didn't agree with the decision. I left for the afternoon to clear my head. . .and slowly the Lord began to speak to me.
I had to come to grips that God had placed me at CBA, and whether I agreed or not, I was to obey my authority. I had to realize the difficulties that come into my life are God testing me-will I have the right attitude, will I trust Him, etc. . . My kids were a little upset at the outcome, but I was able to share my heart with the kids and challenge them to do move on and trust God. I am amazed at the resilience of my kids. They grumbled a bit, but then we revamped the number. And, the new number was better than the old one. So, God is good. His ways are best. If we have the right attitude, if we trust Him, if we abandon our ways and do what God asks-He will give us something even better than we could have ever imagined!
I am so thankful that my husband and kids were able to attend along with my best friends Bobbi, Julie and Shelly. Usually my audiences consists of parents, grandparents and their guests, but I had my own people in the audience that night!!
I have posted some pictures of our dress rehearsal that day. . . enjoy!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Broadway or Hollywood?!
My drama class had their annual "Broadway Review" where we perform scenes and songs from Broadway shows. I will be posting more on this later. . . but, I brought home a little derby hat and mop that we used for "Step In Time" (a song and dance number from Mary Poppins). My boys are having so much fun with them!

Whether Broadway or Hollywood, my boys are already stars in my eyes, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for them!!
Little Zach now gets the broom and hat and does his "step in time" routine on our fireplace all the while singing the showtune and snapping his fingers to the rythmn. He's definietely going to be Broadway bound.

Austen saw the hat as an opportunity to be "Durango," a cowboy character he has invented. He took the hat outside with his rifle and pretended to be shooting the big Indian, which happened to be me . . . you gotta love boys! Anyway, I'm thinking Austen is the next Clint Eastwood. . .
Austen saw the hat as an opportunity to be "Durango," a cowboy character he has invented. He took the hat outside with his rifle and pretended to be shooting the big Indian, which happened to be me . . . you gotta love boys! Anyway, I'm thinking Austen is the next Clint Eastwood. . .
Whether Broadway or Hollywood, my boys are already stars in my eyes, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for them!!
Monday, March 5, 2007
I actually went to Wal-Mart yesterday and only spent $0.97!! Who goes to Wal-Mart and spends less than a dollar?! Okay, I must confess that I had forgotten my purse, and had to use the change in my pocket. Had I had my purse, I (more than likely) would have spent tons more! What is it about Wal-Mart that makes you put things in your cart that you don't need?! I don't care if I have a list or not, I undoubtedly, come home with more than I intended to buy! And I always find myself needing to go to Wal-Mart! I swear I am there every day of the week. Infact, there is this cutie, old lady who is the greeter in the mornings. . . she knows us and just waits for us to come-she loves the boys!
Anyway, mums the word- I would hate Mark knowing that I spent less than a dollar at Wal-Mart-he'd expect it be done all the time!!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
I thought I would post some pictues of my highschool students today. God has placed some great kids in my class this year, and I am so thankful for each and every one of them.

The first picture is of my senior high drama class. We are working on our annual scenes from Broadway that we do with the music department. It is a lot of fun! This year we are doing scenes from Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Lion King, and My Fair Lady. We are doing tons of choreography and it will be interesting to see how the administration will feel about our class jumping out of the baptistry for our Step in Time scene. God has shown Himself mighty in this class. So much of what we are doing is new territory this year, but God has been good in allowing the kids to learn everything quickly, and in giving them the exctiement to try new things.
The second picture is of my senior high speech students. This class is so special to me. We have seen God do great and mighty things in our class. I have two boys from Tawain, and they got saved in our class this year. Through this event the class has grown so close to each other, and to God. This is the class where we share many personal prayer requests, and praise God together when they are answered. It has been neat to see the kids grow. This picture was taken on Spirit Day-Decade/Costume Day
The last picture is of my student teacher that I had last semester. Bobbi came at the beginning of the year and was with me for the whole semester. God was so gracious in bringing us together. We both went through some difficult trials this year. Together we saw God do an amazing work in our lives.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
The Hiding Place
This past weekend I read the book by Corrie ten Boom entitled, The Hiding Place. It is the story a family who hides Jews during the World War and end up being caught and taken to several concentration camps. The story follows the two sisters, Corrie and Betsie. Let me just say that seldom do I read a book from cover to cover in one setting. Time (or should I say my boys) usually doesn't allow me to do so. But, I found myself restless early one morning, which led me to the bookshelf. . . I literally couldn't put it down! I learned several things from this book that had a definite impact on me.
First, how amazed I was that Corrie and her sister Betsie were able to praise God during the most difficult of circumstances. How often do I praise God for the difficult times that happen in my life. There are times I get so wrapped up in my circumstances that I find it too hard to pray to God let alone praise Him! Too often I look at the negative side of my troubles allowing myself to get down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself. When in reality, God places those things in our life so we can get a better glimspe of Him. It is during those times of difficulty that I need to praise God for what He will do in my life and praise Him for the opportunity to get closer to Him.
Second, Corrie and Betsie were so hungry for the Word of God that they were willing to risk their life to have the Gospel with them in the prison camps. How hungry am I for God's Word? How often do I take my Bible for granted? Sad to say, there are times when I can easily forgo my devotions becuase the morning was too hectic and I didn't have time to squeeze them in. These dear ladies read and reread their little New Testament-it was the one thing that sustained them through the year in the concentration camp. What a challenge to me! May I never take God's Word for granted and may I hid His Word in my heart!
Third, after Corrie was released from the prison she traveled the world spreading the message of hope and forgiveness. She ended up forgiving those that treated her wrongfully in prison, and shared the Gospel with the German people. I think I would have been bitter and angry the rest of my days. How easy it is for me to hold a grudge. How many times am I willing to forgive those people who wrong me? I am challenged to always show God's love to those around me, even when I have been mistreated.
There is so much I could share, but I will leave you with these. My favortie quote from the book was this: There is no pit too deep where He is not deeper still. I have always loved this quote, but it meant so much more to me after reading the book. In the midst of my difficulties, God is always with me. No matter how deep I think the pit is, God is deeper still.
First, how amazed I was that Corrie and her sister Betsie were able to praise God during the most difficult of circumstances. How often do I praise God for the difficult times that happen in my life. There are times I get so wrapped up in my circumstances that I find it too hard to pray to God let alone praise Him! Too often I look at the negative side of my troubles allowing myself to get down in the dumps and feeling sorry for myself. When in reality, God places those things in our life so we can get a better glimspe of Him. It is during those times of difficulty that I need to praise God for what He will do in my life and praise Him for the opportunity to get closer to Him.
Second, Corrie and Betsie were so hungry for the Word of God that they were willing to risk their life to have the Gospel with them in the prison camps. How hungry am I for God's Word? How often do I take my Bible for granted? Sad to say, there are times when I can easily forgo my devotions becuase the morning was too hectic and I didn't have time to squeeze them in. These dear ladies read and reread their little New Testament-it was the one thing that sustained them through the year in the concentration camp. What a challenge to me! May I never take God's Word for granted and may I hid His Word in my heart!
Third, after Corrie was released from the prison she traveled the world spreading the message of hope and forgiveness. She ended up forgiving those that treated her wrongfully in prison, and shared the Gospel with the German people. I think I would have been bitter and angry the rest of my days. How easy it is for me to hold a grudge. How many times am I willing to forgive those people who wrong me? I am challenged to always show God's love to those around me, even when I have been mistreated.
There is so much I could share, but I will leave you with these. My favortie quote from the book was this: There is no pit too deep where He is not deeper still. I have always loved this quote, but it meant so much more to me after reading the book. In the midst of my difficulties, God is always with me. No matter how deep I think the pit is, God is deeper still.
Friday, February 16, 2007
I've been tagged!!!
All right, Dora-you got me and here's my list:
A-available or single? Married; refer to previous posts
B-Best friend? Shelly Marie Hart! We have been best friends since we were 2 years old!
C-cake or pie? Actually cobbler and Blackberry cobbler to be exact
D-drink of choice? Sweet tea or Hazelnut Mocha from Starbucks
E-essential item I use everyday? My hairdryer
F-favorite color? Orange
G-gummy bears or worms? Gummy worms-I like to slurp them up like spaghetti.
H-hometown? Normal, Illinois-and I've heard enough jokes about that!
I-indulgence? A pan of brownies, and I do mean a PAN!
J-January or February? February because it is a shorter month. . .
K-kids names? Austen and Zachary. I went from A to Z (I'm done!)
L-life is incomplete without? My husband and kids, God, and Grey's Anantomy
M-marriage date? June 14, 1997
N-number of siblings? None, I'm numero uno and I AM NOT SPOILED!!
O-oranges or apples? Apples, but I must have caramel dip
P-phobias or fears? I am deathly afraid of BIRDS; once a bird flew in my house and I had to
shoo it out;yikes!
Q-favorite quote? "There is no pit too deep where God is not deepter still"-Corrie tenBoom
R-reasons to smile? My boys, its Friday, and I'm visiting my friend in Wisconsin-Bobbi
S-season? Fall; I love all the beautiful colors
T-tag 3 or 4 people. Uh, pretty much everyone has been tagged, so I'll wait for the other lists
U-unknown fact about me? I once won a contest where I had to catch a greased pig
V-vegetable you don't like? Sweet potatoes
W-worst habit? I'm addicted to Reality T.V-American Idol
Y-your favorite food? Mashed potatoes and gravy
Z-zodiac sign? Scorpio
A-available or single? Married; refer to previous posts
B-Best friend? Shelly Marie Hart! We have been best friends since we were 2 years old!
C-cake or pie? Actually cobbler and Blackberry cobbler to be exact
D-drink of choice? Sweet tea or Hazelnut Mocha from Starbucks
E-essential item I use everyday? My hairdryer
F-favorite color? Orange
G-gummy bears or worms? Gummy worms-I like to slurp them up like spaghetti.
H-hometown? Normal, Illinois-and I've heard enough jokes about that!
I-indulgence? A pan of brownies, and I do mean a PAN!
J-January or February? February because it is a shorter month. . .
K-kids names? Austen and Zachary. I went from A to Z (I'm done!)
L-life is incomplete without? My husband and kids, God, and Grey's Anantomy
M-marriage date? June 14, 1997
N-number of siblings? None, I'm numero uno and I AM NOT SPOILED!!
O-oranges or apples? Apples, but I must have caramel dip
P-phobias or fears? I am deathly afraid of BIRDS; once a bird flew in my house and I had to
shoo it out;yikes!
Q-favorite quote? "There is no pit too deep where God is not deepter still"-Corrie tenBoom
R-reasons to smile? My boys, its Friday, and I'm visiting my friend in Wisconsin-Bobbi
S-season? Fall; I love all the beautiful colors
T-tag 3 or 4 people. Uh, pretty much everyone has been tagged, so I'll wait for the other lists
U-unknown fact about me? I once won a contest where I had to catch a greased pig
V-vegetable you don't like? Sweet potatoes
W-worst habit? I'm addicted to Reality T.V-American Idol
Y-your favorite food? Mashed potatoes and gravy
Z-zodiac sign? Scorpio
Thursday, February 15, 2007
The Engagement
Okay, so on to the good part. . .
So, the summer of '96, Mark moves to Illinois. He was working in Illinois for the summer and had plans to move to Wisconsin for the upcoming school year. I was working at Kroger's and we both had different schedules that summer. We barely saw each other.
It happened one week that I got Thursday through Sunday off; that rarely happened, so we planned to go out on Thursday night. I was super excited!
Mark picked me up that night, and as we were getting ready to pull out of my driveway, he stops and says he has to give my mom a baby shower invitation from his mother (Later, I found out that Mark had told them he was going to ask me to marry him that night).
Well, we were on our way. Mark was planning to take to me to this place called Gill's; we love to try new places and we love little "mom and pop" little places. We started driving out in the boondocks and I thought we were lost. I asked if he knew where he was going and he said he would have to pull over at the next farm house to get directions. We stop at the farm house and there is a horse drawn carriage in front. I remember thinking that it was pretty cool. Soon, Mark gets out of the truck and opens my door. And I'm thinking what in the world in going on? All of the sudden, the carriage driver comes over to me and asks me if I'm going to Gill's. I nodded yes, and he says that he is our ride for the night. At this point I still have no clue I'm going to get proposed to, but I'm thinking what a great opportuinity for Mark. We head to the restaurant, eat, and head back to the carriage. The whole night, Mark is cool as a cucumber. He never let on that anyhting special was going to happen. On the way back to the truck, Mark pulls out a dozen roses. I'm shocked and excited and then I notice him counting the roses. He yells at the driver, "Stop! There are supossed to be 12 roses, there are only 11 here." I was a little nervous because I certainly did not want to get the guy mad and have to walk back to the truck. I told Mark that it was okay, and he said that it was not okay! The guy, hands me a flower box, which I opened and there was a single rose with my ring in the middle of the rose. Mark got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I was so surprised. The driver had a camera and he had been taking pictures of the whole scene. So, there I am crying and then smiling for the camera. It was fun. We went back to my house and celebrated with my family and his family. That was on July 11, 1996.
We got married on June 14, 1997. It is hard to believe it will be 10 years this summer. Time flies when you're having fun!!
So, the summer of '96, Mark moves to Illinois. He was working in Illinois for the summer and had plans to move to Wisconsin for the upcoming school year. I was working at Kroger's and we both had different schedules that summer. We barely saw each other.
It happened one week that I got Thursday through Sunday off; that rarely happened, so we planned to go out on Thursday night. I was super excited!
Mark picked me up that night, and as we were getting ready to pull out of my driveway, he stops and says he has to give my mom a baby shower invitation from his mother (Later, I found out that Mark had told them he was going to ask me to marry him that night).
Well, we were on our way. Mark was planning to take to me to this place called Gill's; we love to try new places and we love little "mom and pop" little places. We started driving out in the boondocks and I thought we were lost. I asked if he knew where he was going and he said he would have to pull over at the next farm house to get directions. We stop at the farm house and there is a horse drawn carriage in front. I remember thinking that it was pretty cool. Soon, Mark gets out of the truck and opens my door. And I'm thinking what in the world in going on? All of the sudden, the carriage driver comes over to me and asks me if I'm going to Gill's. I nodded yes, and he says that he is our ride for the night. At this point I still have no clue I'm going to get proposed to, but I'm thinking what a great opportuinity for Mark. We head to the restaurant, eat, and head back to the carriage. The whole night, Mark is cool as a cucumber. He never let on that anyhting special was going to happen. On the way back to the truck, Mark pulls out a dozen roses. I'm shocked and excited and then I notice him counting the roses. He yells at the driver, "Stop! There are supossed to be 12 roses, there are only 11 here." I was a little nervous because I certainly did not want to get the guy mad and have to walk back to the truck. I told Mark that it was okay, and he said that it was not okay! The guy, hands me a flower box, which I opened and there was a single rose with my ring in the middle of the rose. Mark got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. I was so surprised. The driver had a camera and he had been taking pictures of the whole scene. So, there I am crying and then smiling for the camera. It was fun. We went back to my house and celebrated with my family and his family. That was on July 11, 1996.
We got married on June 14, 1997. It is hard to believe it will be 10 years this summer. Time flies when you're having fun!!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Hookin' Up With Mark
Today I thought I would post about how I hooked up with Mark. . .
I met Mark at my friend Rachele's graduation party; he was there with Rachele's brother. We got talking and it was as if the world stopped-for me it was instant attraction. We did a few things that summer, but soon Mark had to leave for Nebraska where he starting his first teaching job. I on the other hand, went back to MBBC where I was starting my sophomore year. We started corresponding with each other, but then Mark's letters just stopped in December! I didn't hear from him or see him until that summer.
One Sunday, the college group was going to get together to play sand volleyball. I went home to change and ended up getting a phone call from Kyle Knapp (my best friend from college). All of a sudden the doorbell rang-it was Mark! I mentioned that I was talking to my friend Kyle. His face dropped, but he asked me if he could pick me up for the sand volleyball game in 15 minutes. I was super excited!! Later, when we were in his truck, I mentioned Kyle. His face dropped, and he asked me who Kyle was. I told him that she was my best friend and soon to be roomie. Mark's face lit up. All along, he had thought Kyle was a he-hence stopping his letter writing the previous semester! With that all cleared up, we continued to do things with each other until he had to leave for camp in Wyoming.
We wrote back and forth while he was away at camp, and then I got a phone call. Mark wanted to visit me after camp was over and before he had to go back to Nebraska to start teaching for the year. It was after that phone call that I knew I was going to marry Mark. I wrote a letter to him (but didn't give it to him until we got married) declaring my love for him, and stating that we were going to work through the distance problem and that I was going to marry him. That was on June 8, 1995.
We continued dating long distance until Mark decided to find a teaching job closer to me. He finally found a job in Wisconsin and then decided it was time to "pop the big question."
I met Mark at my friend Rachele's graduation party; he was there with Rachele's brother. We got talking and it was as if the world stopped-for me it was instant attraction. We did a few things that summer, but soon Mark had to leave for Nebraska where he starting his first teaching job. I on the other hand, went back to MBBC where I was starting my sophomore year. We started corresponding with each other, but then Mark's letters just stopped in December! I didn't hear from him or see him until that summer.
One Sunday, the college group was going to get together to play sand volleyball. I went home to change and ended up getting a phone call from Kyle Knapp (my best friend from college). All of a sudden the doorbell rang-it was Mark! I mentioned that I was talking to my friend Kyle. His face dropped, but he asked me if he could pick me up for the sand volleyball game in 15 minutes. I was super excited!! Later, when we were in his truck, I mentioned Kyle. His face dropped, and he asked me who Kyle was. I told him that she was my best friend and soon to be roomie. Mark's face lit up. All along, he had thought Kyle was a he-hence stopping his letter writing the previous semester! With that all cleared up, we continued to do things with each other until he had to leave for camp in Wyoming.
We wrote back and forth while he was away at camp, and then I got a phone call. Mark wanted to visit me after camp was over and before he had to go back to Nebraska to start teaching for the year. It was after that phone call that I knew I was going to marry Mark. I wrote a letter to him (but didn't give it to him until we got married) declaring my love for him, and stating that we were going to work through the distance problem and that I was going to marry him. That was on June 8, 1995.
We continued dating long distance until Mark decided to find a teaching job closer to me. He finally found a job in Wisconsin and then decided it was time to "pop the big question."
Friday, February 2, 2007
You know, I'm always trying to teach my kids the importance of SHARING. Whether it is a toy or a crumb of food-my boys get the "Sharing" lecture 24/7 and they know it by heart. Well, for the first time, my kids actually listened to me and took thier sharing to heart. They shared their cough, their runny nose, their flu, their fever, and even their bronchitis. . . Yes, the Manahan family(or should I say mommy and the boys) have had their share of sickness and we are ready for SUMMER!!!
Monday, January 29, 2007
After the cowboy story, you are all going to wonder about my parenting skills. . .
So my son Zach, who is 3 is in love with Ariel! I thought it was a cute phase at first. I bought him the Little Mermaid movie, my mom bought him an Ariel doll, and my friend bought him a Little Mermaid stamper kit; we thought it would be a phase that he would grow out of-what's the harm, right? Well, what was once a cute phase, has turned into an ugly obsession!! The poor doll takes baths with Zach, gets her hair combed by Zach, is put into unnatural positions by Zach (this woman is quite flexible!) and gets her little fins taking off by Zach. Apparently, she will not be able to marry Prince Eric if she is a mermaid, so Zach wants her "nakey," so she can get married. It doesn't stop there. He knows the songs in the movie by heart, and when he sings "Part of Your World," I get the feeling he really does want to be part of Ariel's world. He constantly talks about Ariel and the Sea Witch, he re-inacts the movie, and he tries to dress up like Ariel. I'm thinking I am gonna need an INTERVENTION.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Lord always knows what we need at just the right time! I will be honest with all of you, I have been a tad discouraged lately. Satan is so good at trying to trip us up in our Christian walk. I have made the verse in 1Corinthians my goal for this year. Not to focus on things seen for they are temporary, but to focus on things unseen for they are eternal. It seems like the more I try to keep eterninty in my view, the more Satan trys to blur my vision.
But, today I was so encouraged when I saw the comments from friends that I haven't seen or talked to for quite some time. I needed to know there were people out there that remembered me, and still cared for me, and that experience the same kind of trials.
I'm new to this whole blog thing, and it was a little scary starting something like this. It has turned out to be such a huge blessing that God had in store for me all along [right, Donnette? :)] But, it has been so much fun getting re-aquainted with everyone. I have been encouraged by your comments and blessed by what you have to offer each day through your blogs. I feel as if we have a network of support through one another. Even though we are miles a part, and though it has been ages since we have all been together, and even though we may not have been super close friends, we are all able to encourage, support, laugh and cry with each other through this network; we are united through Christ and we are all a family in Him. Thank you to all who have posted comments; it made my day! I look forward to seeing how God will bring us all closer to Him through each other!
But, today I was so encouraged when I saw the comments from friends that I haven't seen or talked to for quite some time. I needed to know there were people out there that remembered me, and still cared for me, and that experience the same kind of trials.
I'm new to this whole blog thing, and it was a little scary starting something like this. It has turned out to be such a huge blessing that God had in store for me all along [right, Donnette? :)] But, it has been so much fun getting re-aquainted with everyone. I have been encouraged by your comments and blessed by what you have to offer each day through your blogs. I feel as if we have a network of support through one another. Even though we are miles a part, and though it has been ages since we have all been together, and even though we may not have been super close friends, we are all able to encourage, support, laugh and cry with each other through this network; we are united through Christ and we are all a family in Him. Thank you to all who have posted comments; it made my day! I look forward to seeing how God will bring us all closer to Him through each other!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Give Me Jesus
I had my Bible study last night. We are studying the book of Revelations through a book by Anne Lotz Graham called The Vision of Jesus. This study has been so good for me becuase it is giving me a new and fresh perspective of Jesus. After the video session, we sang the song Give Me Jesus, which happens to be a favorite of mine.
My desire is to thirst so much for Jesus that I would be willing to give up this world for Him. It is so easy for me to become so focused on this world with all of its dramas. I become so self-absorbed with my hurts, my problems, my insecurities, etc. . .that I lose sight of Jesus. It isn't until I am willing to turn around and see Him, and yield to Him that He gives me a glimpse of all that He is and all that He can do. It is then that I quickly realize that it is not all about me, but it is all about HIM!!
My desire is to thirst so much for Jesus that I would be willing to give up this world for Him. It is so easy for me to become so focused on this world with all of its dramas. I become so self-absorbed with my hurts, my problems, my insecurities, etc. . .that I lose sight of Jesus. It isn't until I am willing to turn around and see Him, and yield to Him that He gives me a glimpse of all that He is and all that He can do. It is then that I quickly realize that it is not all about me, but it is all about HIM!!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Not sure if you're "allowed" to make 2 posts in one day-me being new to this blog stuff and all. But, I just received information that Austen got approved for his FM System! Austen has hearing aids due to a genetic hearing loss, and it has been difficult for him to hear in the classroom due to all the background noise. The FM System hooks up to his hearing aids, and the teacher wears a special microphone that she talks into. The sound of the teacher's voice goes directly into Austen's hearing aids, cutting out the background noise or at least making it easier for him to hear the teacher. I guess little Austen was only hearing 65% of what the teacher was saying without the FM, and now he hears 90% with the FM! So, Austen has been approved from the school district to receive the FM, which was a huge answer to prayer. We are now faced with getting funding for the FM-these things aren't cheap! But, God has been so good to us in the past, and I know He will make a way for us to be able to afford the FM.
Hopefully this story will not frighten any of you or cause you to wonder about my parenting skills. My son Austen is 7 years old, and he has an active imagination, which I encourage (hello,
I 'm a drama teacher!). Anyway, Zach (3) and Austen were playing cowboys and indians last night. I noticed Austen had something in his mouth and was flinging something around in his hand. All of a sudden, Austen runs into the kitchen where I was, and throws this thing at me. According to Austen it was a grenade, 'cuz cowboys , I'm sure, had grenades. I didn't pay too much attention to him until I looked at what he had thrown. The grenade was actually the inside of an unused tampon (the cotton and string). Then I noticed what he had in his mouth: the outside of the tampon. Apparantly, he was using that as his cigar, 'cuz all good cowboys smoke cigars! I was a little horrified when I realized that Austen had gotten into my tampons. . . but then, I was a bit proud of him-how CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE!! With that talent, this kid is going places, for sure!!
I 'm a drama teacher!). Anyway, Zach (3) and Austen were playing cowboys and indians last night. I noticed Austen had something in his mouth and was flinging something around in his hand. All of a sudden, Austen runs into the kitchen where I was, and throws this thing at me. According to Austen it was a grenade, 'cuz cowboys , I'm sure, had grenades. I didn't pay too much attention to him until I looked at what he had thrown. The grenade was actually the inside of an unused tampon (the cotton and string). Then I noticed what he had in his mouth: the outside of the tampon. Apparantly, he was using that as his cigar, 'cuz all good cowboys smoke cigars! I was a little horrified when I realized that Austen had gotten into my tampons. . . but then, I was a bit proud of him-how CREATIVE and IMAGINATIVE!! With that talent, this kid is going places, for sure!!
Monday, January 22, 2007
I must admit that I have never completed a diet. I always have great intentions, but never seem to be able to follow through. Except for now! You see, I am not on a diet, no, I have termed it a "life style change." I am striving to change my eating habits for good-or at least until I can fit into a bathing suit! I have replaced my coffee with water, replaced my chocolate with sugar-free pudding, and have replaced my trough with a small plate! I will succeed, I will prevail, I will be SKINNY!!!!
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Me? A blog?!!!
Okay, so I lied! I was NEVER going to be a blogger. But, thanks, to a girl named Bobbi-I now have a blog. . .
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